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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Together we make a difference

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Keeping up to date with what your children are doing online can seem daunting. Technology is constantly advancing and sometimes parents feel that their children know more about the internet than they do.

The use of technology in the home is now common place from tablets, laptops, phones and gaming consoles just to mention a few and on many occasions this can be taking place away from the eyes of adults.

Take a look at the links below which give you some simple, practical and easy advice on the steps you can take as a parent to keep them as safe as possible.


If you have any concerns around E-Safety then please feel free to contact Ms Wordsworth, our Computing Lead, within school.



Resources for Parents/Carers

How To Keep Children Safe on ROBLOX

Still image for this video
"Watch our latest vlog to help your child stay safe on the Roblox gaming app. Adele Jennings from shares insight on the platfrom and how to user existing controls to keep kids safe. Visit our site to learn more:"

Advice on how to set up a new device for children to use safely.

How is my child protected within school? 

E-safety is a high priority within school and an element of this is included within all of the Computing units of work delivered across the year. In addition to this, we also have assemblies focusing on

E-Safety and E-safety days, which take place annually. Within school we have a contract with an IT provider who manages our firewall to block any unsuitable material being viewed by the children whilst acceptable use policies are in place for all pupils and staff. 

