Year 6
Welcome to YEAR 6!
Welcome to Year 6's class page. We're looking forward to an exciting year- and finally enjoying a full term in school!
We have two Year 6 classes- 6T and 6H.
6T's staff are Mr Fielden and Mr Elsworth, whilst in 6H there is Mrs Harling and Ms Howard. We're all working hard this year to make sure Year 6's are prepared for SATs and and the big move to high school the children have ahead of them.
P.E. is done on an alternating weekly basis in Year 6. This means your child will have P.E on Wednesday one week, and then Friday the next.
The class teacher will remind the children the day before to come in with their P.E. kit.
This year, like last, we ask all children to come to school already dressed in their P.E. kit or appropriate sportswear on the correct day. We request that all children come to school with their school jumper over their sports top or yellow P.E. shirt.
In year 6, we give out homework 3 times a week.
Tuesday: Children take their Accelerated Reader book home and read, either independently or to an adult. Please check your child is completing this.
Wednesday: A sheet of SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) work will be given out, to be returned by Friday
Friday: Weekly spellings are given out, which should be learnt throughout the week ready for the test on the following Friday.
A maths sheet is given out, to be completed and returned for Monday.
We ask for these to completed on the sheet, as we do not have homework books going home.
Curriculum Overview
Will be posted shortly.