Barry the fish with fingers

Good morning children!
Today is our last day of home learning and I am so excited to see you all tomorrow.
Today I would like you to practise writing your name. We do this everyday in class. Remember to start at the top of the page and on the left hand side. Could your grown up write your name first for you to copy? You could bring your writing into school tomorrow for us to have a look at.
Miss Smith has kindly recorded a story for us today. Thank you Miss Smith!
The Animal Bop

Hello everyone!
I hope you all managed to talk about looking after your teeth yesterday?
For today’s home learning I would like you to think about rhyming words.
Can you think of some lists of words that rhyme with your grown up?
Please could you write the words, draw pictures or ask your adult to film you saying some rhyming words or singing some nursery rhymes? We would love to see your work and you can send it to the nursery email address:
Mrs Jones has recorded a rhyming story for you to listen to. Thank you Mrs Jones!
Nursery Bubble closure 8th July 2021
Hello everyone! Unfortunately our bubble has had to close so we will be home learning for today, tomorrow and Monday. We will be able to come back to school on Tuesday 13th July.
For your home learning today, I would like you to think about the visitor that came to our Nursery yesterday. She was a dental nurse and she talked to us about why we need to brush our teeth and how we can look after our teeth.
Can you talk to your grown up about this? Which sorts of foods are good for our teeth? Which foods contain lots of sugar?
We talked about how important it is that we don't use baby bottles or dummies as these can damage our teeth.
We would love to see any videos or pictures of you brushing your teeth or of you talking about how to look after your teeth. These can be sent to the nursery email address
To celebrate World Book Day our school has decided to do a competition.
To enter all you need to do is read your favourite book in one place suggested on a star (please do not send us any photos of children in the bath)
Once you have taken your photograph email it to us
The most creative photo from each class will win a prize!
Wednesday's Gingerbread Work!
The Gingerbread Man

Peppa Pigs new boots!

The Odd Egg

Make sure you check out the World Book Day website for lots of different activities and videos.
More photos of the fantastic work from yesterday! Remember to email us some photos of your caterpillar name from today at
Also use the link below to watch today's story.
Examples of different patterns

Days of the Week Song

Good Morning Everyone.
I hope everyone had a restful half term. We will be staying in touch every day via our nursery class page with messages, videos and activities.
We love being in contact and getting to hear/see what you've been up to whilst we are apart, so please send any messages or photographs to