Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
4H Teacher: Miss McGeary
4T Teacher: Mrs Delaney
Year 4 TAs: Miss Patel, Miss Ollerenshaw and Mr Brown. These adults spend time across both classrooms.
Forest schools: Miss Jackson is our Forest Schools leader.
Days to remember:
Autumn Term
Monday 4H: Swimming day
Children to wear: swimsuit/swim shorts under their uniform.
Bring underwear and towel in a bag.
No earrings/jewellery.
Swim hat if your hair is long enough to go in your eyes.
Wednesday 4T: Swimming day
Children to wear: swimsuit/swim shorts under their uniform.
Bring underwear and towel in a bag.
No earrings/jewellery.
Swim hat if your hair is long enough to go in your eyes.
Thursday: Forest schools (alternate weeks so 4H one week and 4T the next)
Children to wear:
- School jumper
- Trousers which allow your child to move e.g. leggings, jogger bottoms. As they will be climbing and building.
- Wear or bring trainers or wellies that you don't mind your child getting dirty. (we will be going out in all weathers unless it is too windy).
Reading: Your child should be reading every night for 20/30 minutes.
Children will have recieved an Accelerated Reader/ My On log in. This mean the books your child reads at home when returning them to school they will take a quiz asking them questions about the book they have read. This is to see how well they have understood the book, asking them a range of question types. The book has been carefully selected for your child from an assessment they have completed at school. If your child needs a new book they can also access My On and read books online and take quizzes there. This log in should be written inside their reading record book that you sign.
Some children will have access to a programme called Reading Eggs which is more suitable for them.
Multiplication: Your child should be accessing Times Table Rockstars (TTRockstars) 3 x a week for 30minutes).
Children will have recieved a TTRockstars log in (again this is on the inside of their reading record). This is a multiplication programme were they can practise their mutliplication table recall via a range of games. This is a safe programme where they can compete against classmates/ teachers and children from other schools. They is NO chat facility. On certain aspects of the site they will only access questions set to their ability. By the end of Y4 children should be confident in answering all of their multiplications with speed. This is in preperation for the Y4 mental multiplication test.
Some children will have access to numbots which is more suitable for them.
Spellings:1x a week
Your child will recieve spellings set for their group to learn once a week. They should be practised as much as needed to enable them to pass the test on the Friday.
Topic: 1 x a term
Children will be set a topic based homework once a term. This is a larger homework which will take a few weeks to complete, usually equaling around an hour a week. This is a creative homework building to a final project to share with the class.
Our Classroom
Here are some of the things that we have in our classroom that help us to manage our emotions and become more emotionally resilient. Our emotional barometer helps us by allowing us to record how we are feeling throughout the school day.
We also have our very own target board, where we set our own goals that we would like to achieve!