Mental Health & Well-being
Our children’s well-being is the highest importance to us and we promote positive well-being in everything we do. Our aim is to create confident, resilient and happy learners who know how to look after their physical and mental well-being. There are 5 steps to achieve well-being which are:
We will be learning about well-being and looking after our own well-being by working through each step.
1. Connect with other people
Positive, happy, respectful relationships are important for your mental well-being. They can help you to build a sense of belonging, give you an opportunity to share positive experiences, opinions and goals and provide emotional support or allow you to support others with any issues, including mental health.

2. Be Active
Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness, evidence also shows that it can really improve your mental health and well-being by raising your self-esteem and helping you to set goals and feel motivated to achieve them. It also causes chemical changes in your brain which can help to positively change your mood.
To become more active, you could:
- Use free websites and apps that offer fitness and exercise guides to follow
- Try GoNoodle with the kids – it’s free to sign up and full of fun videos
3. Learn new skills
Learning new skills can improve your mental well-being by boosting your confidence and self-esteem, helping you to build a sense of purpose and achievement and possible helping you to connect with others with the same interests.

4. Give to others
Acts of giving and kindness towards others can improve your well-being by creating positive feelings and a sense of reward, giving you a feeling of purpose and self-worth and helping you connect with people around you. The acts of kindness can be big or small, all that matters is that you feel connected to the act and the person or people it helps.
5. Take notice of the present moment (mindfulness)
We can all find it hard to stop in our busy lives and think about what is important to us. But paying more attention to the present moment, which includes your thoughts, feelings and emotions, your own body and your surroundings (both immediate and world-wide) can improve your mental well-being. This awareness can be called ‘mindfulness’. Mindfulness can help you to stop and appreciate the smaller things in life and make you appreciate what you do have. There are many ways to being practicing mindfulness and connect more with yourself and the world around you, from intricate colouring in, to sitting quietly in your favourite space in the home or garden, to meditating at the start or end of your day. Your children can probably tell you about some of the mindful activities they have tried in school too!
Let's connect on World Book Day

Time to Connect

This step is all about connecting with ourselves and others. Feeling close to, and valued by, other people is an important and essential human need and one that we need to function well in the world. Teach children to connect with each other; ask someone how they are. Connect with your feelings. Take an interest in other peoples wellbeing.
This half term we are launching our 'Time to Connect' project.
At Holy Trinity we pride ourselves in connecting with pupils, families and the community but the current lockdown and COVID can make this difficult. We are really missing our whole school community and we want to connect with you.
Making connections, building and maintaining good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. They can help you to build a sense of belonging and show you how important you are. Connecting with others gives you an opportunity to share positive experiences, provide emotional support and allows us to support others.
We want to show everyone in Greater Manchester that Holy Trinity is a family and we are important in our community. We want to see how big our community is and we want to connect with all the people in the Holy Trinity community.
We would like to connect our Holy Trinity Community, can you help us? We want our pupils and families to colour or decorate the colouring sheets and post them in your windows at home. By doing this we can connect with our community and see that the Holy Trinity family is all around us Send us your pictures of any 'Time to Connect' posters you see when you are around and about . Email pictures of your posters or any posters you see around the community to