Friday 15th January 2021

Remember to email us your work and ask for help if you need it.
Thursday 14th January 2021

Today we are going to plan our writing. You are going to be the Snail and you are going to plan what we would write in a postcard to our snail friends who are living back on the rock that is as black as soot. Draw your ideas talking it through and practicing what you would include in your postcard.
Remember to email us your work and ask for help if you need it.
English - Example of your independent activity.

Independent activity

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Example of English activity for Wednesday 13th January 2021
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Today we will look at the rhyming words in the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’. Listen to the story again https://holytrinitycofe.primarysite.media/media/year-1-the-snail-and-the-whale or watch the film by clicking here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000cslw/the-snail-and-the-whale
Then complete the task in your pack. Remember to email us your work and ask for help if you need it.
Tuesday 12th January 2021

Monday 11th January
Today in English we are going to use adjectives to describe what we can see in the picture. Have a look at my example below. Remember to email your work to y1@holytrinity,manchester.sch.uk
English 11th Jan.mp4

Friday 8th January 2021
Today we are going to think about how the snail and the whale feel throughout the story. Using our emotional barometer can you describe how each felt in the pictures in your pack. If you need to listen to the story again click here.
Send your completed work to us by email on y1@holytrinity.manchester.sch.uk so that we can put it up on the website and also give you a green dot.
English 8th Jan.mov

Thursday 7th January 2021
Today we are going to sequence the story of 'The snail and the Whale'. Can you remember what happened in the story and what order it happened in. You can cut the pictures out in your pack and stick them in the correct order or you can draw your own pictures like I have done below. Remember to retell the story using the pictures as you are cutting them out. If you need to listen to the story again click here.
Send your completed work to us by email on y1@holytrinity.manchester.sch.uk so that we can put it up on the website and also give you a green dot.
Sequence and order.mp4

Wednesday 06th January 2021
In English today we are describing the characters in The Snail and the Whale.
Listen to the story posted yesterday and look at the pictures. Can you draw the Snail and the Whale and describe then using interesting adjectives?
Have a look at Miss Borrell's example for ideas.
We can't wait to see your work and don't forget you will earn green dots for work shared with us.
Wednesday 06th Jan - English teach.MP4

Tuesday 5th January 2021
In English today we are going to listen to the story 'The Snail and the Whale'. Click here to listen to it - https://holytrinitycofe.primarysite.media/media/year-1-the-snail-and-the-whale
After listening to the story we want you to draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and then explain why you like it. Remember to use interesting adjectives to describe the characters and what they do.
Here is Miss Borrell's work. When you have completed your work email to y1@holytrinity.manchester.sch.uk
English - Tuesday 05th January 2021