Year 5
We know that lots of you are missing being in school. We are missing you too! You are keeping us smiling by sending lots of great work. We have been particularly impressed with some of the detailed drawing in art and in science this week. We have added some of your work to the class page - Can you spot yours?
Year 5 Remote Learning Timetable
Hi Year 5 - It was great to speak to some of you and your parents yesterday. We couldn't get hold of everyone but hopefully we will have spoken to everyone by the end of the week!
Below is a slideshow of some of the pieces of work that we have been sent (I couldn't put them all on as there were so many!!!) Can you spot yours? Thankyou to those people who have been working so hard at home as we know it isn't always easy. Don't forget, if you are struggling, please get in touch by using the Year 5 email or by phoning school and we will do our best to help you. You will shortly receive your work pack for the next two weeks, either hand delivered or in the post so please keep your eyes on your letterbox! Remember, we will be checking to see who has done all of their work!
In the meantime, stay safe and keep smiling!
The Year 5 Team :)
Some of your great work!!!!
Good morning Year 5! We hope that you have had a lovely weekend... In your packs and on Google Classroom there is another week's worth of work. Please make sure that it is completed and submitted to the Y5 team, either on Google Classroom, by email or even by posting the completed pack back to school. The staff need to keep track of how you are doing so it is really important to let us know.
If you are struggling to access the internet, please ask your parent/carer to let us know. We will be phoning up to speak to you later in the week to see how things are going...
In the meantime. keep working hard and stay safe!
The Year 5 Team :)
Hi Year 5! Thankyou to all of you who have submitted work on Google Classroom so far! There have been lots of great pieces of work. Most of you should have received a pack (for those of you who live further from school, they've been posted so you should have them soon!) - In the pack are the lessons that are also on Google Classroom so if you have submitted the work online, don't worry, we don't expect you to do the same work twice. Some of you have completed the work on paper and then emailed it to the Year 5 email or attached it on Google Classroom. We are happy for you to submit the work in the way that is the easiest for you.... Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on....
Stay safe and work hard!
The Year 5 Team :)
Letter to parents
Timetables for weeks beginning 5th and 11th January 2021
Happy New Year to you all! Work has been posted onto Google Classroom for you all to complete. New work will be online each day by 9:00a.m. We will also be sending packs home for those people who struggle to get online at home.
Remember that you can get in touch with the Year 5 team by emailing or by using the comments section on Google Classroom or Myon.
Stay safe,
Miss Howell, Mr McMullen, Mr Clavin, Mrs Hagan & Miss Sage :)
Good morning Year 5 - We are looking forward to being back at school tomorrow. If you have completed a biography for Kamala Harris, please bring it into school as we will be re-drafting and improving it this week.
Below is your work for today....
Read the text carefully. Answer the questions as fully as possible on a piece of paper.
Apostrophes can be used for contration and to show possession. They can be tricky to get right. Read through the powepoint presentation to remind yourself how apostrophes should be used. Then complete the short task.
Instructions: Open the slides and watch the video lesson on using the inverse operation (slide 3). Complete the questions on the following slides by clicking the answer box and typing in your answers. You will need a pen and paper to do your working out.
To get into the spirit of Christmas, we want you to design your very own Advent Calendar using either your home pack book or some paper. Here are some examples to give you some inspiration! Take a picture of your amazing work and email it to creative and make them colourful :)
Guided Reading - follow up task 2
Watch the video clip and think about how it relates to the poem that you read earlier in the week.
Does the video have a moral / message? If so, what is it? It is called 'For the birds' - Can you think about an alternative title?
Complete your biography of Kamala Harris (you can continue on the same pice of paper or the same document). Think carefully about what will go in your final paragraph - how will you conclude your writing?
If you have not done so, add a 'Did you know' section where you can add any fun facts that are interesting but didn't fit into any other paragraphs. This may be a good place to put a set of bullet points as an alternative way of writing a short list.
Proof-read and check your writing carefully. Does is make sense? Are spellings and punctuation correct?
Instructions: Open the slides and watch the video lesson on rounding to estimate and approximate (slide 3). Complete the questions on the following slides by clicking the answer box and typing in your answers. You will need a pen and paper to do your working out.
Work through the google slides to learn about mountain climates and complete Activity 1 - True or False. Continue to read through the rest of the slides to learn about mountain life and complete Activity 2 - What might it be like to live on a mountain? Finally do some of your own research to create a poster all about avalanches (Activity 3).
Good morning Year 5 - Hope you are all keeping busy. It has been good to speak to some of you and your parents over the last couple of days. We still have a few calls to make so don't worry if we haven't got to you yet....
Guided Reading
Last week was 'Anti-bullying week'. The slogan this year is "United Against Bullying". Re-read the poem and watch the video clip -
Use ideas from these to design an anti-bullying poster. Take a photgraph of your poster and send it to - The Y5 staff will choose the best ones to be displayed on the class page of the website.
Continue to use the video and written biography resources, as well as your story maps, to write the next two paragraphs in Kamala's biography. You can continue on the same document or piece of paper. Make sure that your paragraphs are clear - how have you organised your information? Is it in chronological order? Consider suitable fronted adverbials and conjunctions that you will use to link ideas together. Proof-read each paragraph as you go along. Is the information clear? Have you punctuated it correctly?
Instructions: Open the slides and watch the video lesson on subtraction (slide 3). Complete the questions on the following slides by clicking the answer box and typing in your answers. You will need a pen and paper to do your working out.
Guided Reading
Yesterday, you wrote the introduction for your biography - Today, we would like you to draft the next two paragraphs. You can continue on the same document / piece of paper. Think very carefully about the following:-
- chronological order (this is very important in a biography)
- suitable fronted adverbials to link ideas (especially to show the passing of time)
- a mixture of sentence types and lengths (this will keep the reader's interest)
- punctuation so that your writing makes sense
- lots of clear, factual information
Open the slides and watch the video lesson on subtraction (slide 3). Complete the questions on the following slides by clicking the answer box and typing in your answers. You will need a pen and paper to do your working out.
Why do we have seasons? Work through the slides to find out why we have seasons on Earth. Be sure to watch the video on the slides and use the links to support your research and learning. Complete the three activities.
Guided Reading Task - Last week was 'Anti-bullying' week. Read the poem and complete the pre-reading task.
Use the resources from Friday (video clip and short written biography) to help you to write the introduction for your biography anout Kamala Harris. Remember the job of an introduction is to introduce what you are writing about in an interesting way that will encourage the reader to continue. Write or type your introduction and send it to - This will be part of the first draft of your biography which we will re-draft when we are back in school. Here is Miss Howell's model for you to read and use as a starting point - remember, don't just copy this out! We want lots of your own ideas and writing skills...
Charismatic, tough and unique - Who am I talking about? Yes, Kamala Harris, who is set to become the first female American Vice President in history. Fighting against the odds, she has been an inspiration to women everywhere who have an interest in politics...
Open the slides by using the link below and watch the video lesson on subtraction (slide 3). Complete the questions on the following slides by clicking the answer box and typing in your answers. You will need a pen and paper to do your working out.
Spelling Frame is a fantastic website for practising your spelling with tasks, tests and games. Go into the Year 3 & 4 section (even though we are Year 5, homophones always prove tricky!) and Find the 'Homophones and near homophones' sections - Try the tests and games that go with these.
Good morning Year 5. Thankyou to all of the children who have submitted work, either by email or on Google Classroom. We know that this is a new skill for all of us (teachers included!)
Watch the clip about Kamala Harris.
Read the short biography about her too.
Draw a story map to tell the story of her life - Think about which information needs to be put together. Make sure that key events are in chronological (time) order. You can take a picture of your story map and email it to .
Practise your subtraction skills with these one-step word problems. If you are struggling, use the crib sheet to remind you of the method....
Login to Myon where there is an English project that links to our work in science. Remember to log in to the right Holy Trinity (Manchester) and to use capitals for your username and password.
Thursday 19th November 2020
Hi Year 5 - Hopefully we won't be closed for too long. Please try the maths work below. We were due to start written subtraction today. There is a video and some questions for you to practise with!
Please make sure that you do some reading today, either on Myon or by reading a book that you have at home!
Use the link to watch the video which introduces written subtraction (it is the final video on the link!) - you can try the problems too. There is a page of sums for you to practise too (I've included the answers so that you can check yourselves but no cheating!) If you wish, you can practise your addition skills with the other videos on this page. Practise makes perfect!
In Guided Reading, we have been reading about Eva Peron (Evita) - Watch the video clip from the musical that tells the story of her life and design a poster for the musical that shows some of Eva's character traits (charisma, determination etc).
Well, we have made it to half term..... Have a lovely week and try to keep busy even though we'll all have to stay at home for most of it.
Make sure that you do plenty of reading during the week, either books you have at home or using Myon. If you haven't already completed it, try the project that is set on Myon - it will work on your drawing skills. Let's see who can really impress Mrs Hagan...
There will be a new TTRS battle next week so keep your eyes open for when it begins.
And finally, someone left a pumpkin on Miss Howell's doorstep this morning! She is going to try to carve it later in the week but isn't sure what design to use..... Help her out by designing a pumpkin lantern and emailing the design to - Miss H will try to recreate the best design that you send! Happy designing and stay safe.....
Miss Howell, Mr Clavin, Mr McMullen and Mrs Hagan :)
Friday 23rd October
Thankyou to everyone who has been in touch with the work that you've done at home. We definitely have a lot of 'Manchester worker bees' in Year 5!
Guided Reading
Use the text about the wolf and summarise the facts that are on that page. You could write them as a factfile or a 'Did you know?' section.
(If you finish that, there is a video that shows you how to draw a wolf on our 'challenges' page. Have a go and make sure that you send us any drawings that you do...
Watch and read the poem ‘Talking Turkeys’ by Benjamin Zephaniah.
Think about what the message behind the poem is.
- What is the poet trying to make the reader think about?
- Has this made you think differently about turkey at Christmas?
- Can you find all of the words that rhyme?
Create your own poem in a similar style to this one you might want to do:
‘Be nice to your parents/teachers/siblings/old toys this Christmas…’ or come up with an original idea.
Try to use some rhyming words to help your poem to have a good rhythm.
You can use Benjamin’s poem to help you to come up with ideas.
Today we will be looking at rounding to 100,000! Using your knowledge of rounding and support from the video link below, we are confident you will boss it!
Once you have finished the worksheet from your pack, complete the True or False question to test your reasoning skills.
As a final challenge, you could ask the adult you live with to help you set up your own ‘Estimation Station’ and test the teacher’s estimation skills!! You could use anything from home e.g. pencils, paper, playing cards…be imaginative! Send a picture in to and we will do our best to estimate your challenge! An example below…
‘To the nearest multiple of 10, how many playing cards can you see?’
Thursday 22nd October
We have been inundated with work from Y5 which is fantastic. Everyone seems to be working hard and keeping their skills sharp. We are proud of you all! Here is the work for Thursday....
Guided Reading
After half term, we will be moving on to writing to INFORM so our next Guided Reading task will focus on an information text. Complete the pre-read vocabulary task and then try the three questions that go with the text.
Today we are going to recap our use of fronted adverbials. Watch the video to help refresh your memory of what we mean by ‘fronted adverbials’.
Using your story map come up with 4/5 simple sentences relating to Benjamin Zephaniah E.g. Benjamin Zephaniah left school at the age of 13.
Then you should think back to our work on fronted adverbial and add one to the beginning of your sentence to make it a little more interesting and detailed.
For example:
- Defiantly, Benjamin Zephaniah left school at the age of 13.
- Disheartened with the lack of support, Benjamin Zephaniah left school at the age of 13.
Before we move onto rounding to 100,000 on Friday, we are going to do a quick recap on rounding to 10,100 and 1000 to keep those Maths skills ticking over!
Watch the video below then answer questions on the rounding to 10,100 and 100 worksheet in your pack!
Complete the True or False question on some paper or the back of your worksheet.
Don't forget to show off your fantastic work by sending it to
A big WELL DONE to those of you who have already sent in work for us to look at. We are really pleased that you are all continuing to work so hard even though you're at home! It is also great to see that loads of you are taking part in the current TTRS battle - scores are close so keep playing and helping your class!
More work will be posted later today and if you need additional tasks, try the 'challenges' or 'home learning' buttons on the class page as there are extra activities for you to try..... :)
Wednesday 21st October
Firstly, well done to those people who have already been in touch with the work that they've been doing at home! It is great to see that lots of you are contributing to the current TTRS battle and some people have already started the mini project that we have set on Myon.
Don't forget that you can email us at - one of the Year 5 team will respond as soon as possible..... :)
Guided Reading
Follow up task - Look back at the picture of the troll from Tuesday. Think about where the troll might be going and then either draw a detailed picture of this place or write a paragraph to describe the place using 'show, not tell'.
Using the text from yesterday (and any online research if you can), create a fact file all about Benjamin Zephaniah.
- Name
- Birth date
- Famous for
- What causes they support
- Interesting facts (Did you know…?)
- Picture
In today’s lesson, we will be looking at comparing and ordering numbers to 100,000. Watch the video below first then answer the worksheet in your home pack (this is again attached below).
Once you have finished, answer the True or False question attached below on the back of your worksheet or on some paper!
Tuesday 20th October
Guided Reading
Look at the picture of the troll and read the short piece of text that goes with it. Complete the pre-read vocabulary task and then try the three questions.
Looking Question - Where is the troll?
Clue Question - What impression do you get of the troll from the description?
Thinking Question - If you make a mess, how do you put things right again?
This week we are going to be looking at numbers to 100,000 by using the same mathematical knowledge that we used for numbers up to 10,000. Watching the video below first will teach you the steps on how to answer the worksheet.
Complete the worksheet on numbers to 100,000 (this will be in your work pack but is also attached below).
Alongside this is a True or False question to help keep your reasoning skills ticking over! (you could do this on a bit of paper or on the back of your worksheet)
As it is Black History month, this week we are learning about poet, Benjamin Zephaniah.
Read the text about him and create a story map about his life. Don’t forget to add some key words from the text to support your understanding of his life. You should include his birth, childhood, what life was like for him growing up, the important causes he stands for and his achievements.
Myon Project
Log in to Myon to try a drawing challenge linked to our work on Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.... The Year 5 staff will be keeping an eye on who has read the book and completed the challenge that goes with it!
Remember, if you end up learning and working at home, you can email us using
We will be checking our email every day between 9am and 3pm so we can keep in touch and give feedback on any work that you send us. Remember, you can send messages, questions, photographs or uploads of the work that you've been doing! :)
5H v 5T - Let the competitions begin!
Firstly, a big WELL DONE to all the members of Year 5 who have come back to school with such a fantastic attitude. Now, it is time to get busy! Accelerated Reader and TTRS are now up and running again.
Well done to Kasey, Hanna, Niyati, Billy, Alisha and Sandra who have already read at least one book and quizzed on it! Keep it up!
There is currently a TTRS battle going on. Make sure that you help out your class. Will 5H or 5T be victorious by the end of the week? :)