Thursday 14th January 2021

In PSHE today we are going to compare two pictures. What is wrong with the pictures. How would you improve the pictures and what would you do to fix the problems?
Circle and label each picture.
Also have a listen to the story below.
Remember to email us your work and ask for help if you need it.
PSHE - What is wrong with the pictures?

Tuesday 12th July 2021
In PSHE today we are going to be looking at our environment and recycling. The environment is where we live. Look out of your window, what do you see? We must look after our environment and keep it safe for us to live in
At home you have several bins and these are used to recycle different items. Draw the bins you have and then draw 5 things that can be put in to each bin.
Also take a look at the information PowerPoint and talk it through with your family at home. Are you good at recycling?
Remember to email us your work and ask for help if you need it.
PSHE - Recycling

Monday 11th January 2021
In PSHE today we will be writing a poem about what makes us different and what makes us special.
Write your poem on the sheet in your pack and then copy it out neatly.
PSHE I am different poem.mp4

Thursday 7th January 2021
Lesson 2 in your pack.
In PSHE today we are going to be comparing ourselves with someone we know well. This could be someone in your house or someone you know very well.
PSHE - Lesson 2 compare.mp4

Tuesday 5th January 2021
Good afternoon, today in PSHE we are thinking about yourself and your family.
Miss Foster has done an example below. Have a look at the video explaining what to do.
We look forward to seeing your examples and don't forget we will be giving out green dots for examples.
Tuesday 05th January 2021