Welcome to the Reception Class Page
In Reception H there is Mrs Marshall and Mrs Flynn
in Reception T there is Miss Mayers, Miss Birch and Miss Whitworth.
Our email address is
Please email your child's completed work to this address once a week.
Each day there will be 3 new challenges to complete! Also click on the video resource centre to listen to one of your teacher's reading a story.
1.Literacy challenge
2.Maths challenge
3.Phonics challenge
When you have completed your challenges send us an email and you will receive a green dot!
Monday 12th July
Good morning Reception!
Today is our last day of home learning! We can't wait to see you all in school tomorrow! Remember you can complete your three challenges today and we will award green dots tomorrow to the children who have completed them! We hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
Mrs Marshall & Miss Mayers
Wednesday 7th July
Good morning Reception!
Unfortunately our bubble has closed again, however we can still do lots of fun learning from home. Your work packs will be being posted out today, so fingers crossed they will be with you very soon! Keep an eye on your letter box! While you wait, there will also be 3 daily challenges on our class page for you to have a try at!
Please email your child's completed work to
Each day there will be 3 new challenges to complete!
1.Literacy challenge
2.Maths challenge
3.Phonics challenge
Click on the buttons for each area above of these to access the activities.
When you have completed your challenges send us an email and you will receive a green dot!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Reception Team
Monday Message 15 March 2021

Friday 12th March
Good Morning Reception,
Happy Friday! Unfortunately our bubble has closed for one week so we will be doing our super learning at home. Your teachers are working very hard to get your work packs out to you as soon as possible, they should be arriving over the next few days so keep an eye out for the postman! Whilst you wait, there are videos for you and activities for you to have a try at. Remember when you complete a challenge, ask your grown up to send us an email to
Take care, stay safe and we will see you all next Friday 19th March!
Reception Team xxx
Friday 12th March

Monday 1st March

This year we will be celebrating world book day, by enjoying our favourite stories at home! Please see below for details about how you can get involved with our World Book Day Competition. Choose one of the stars, and send your photo to our email address for the chance to win a prize! Good Luck!