Family Support
Family support worker
To Parents/ Carers.
My name is Jen Henderson and I am the safeguarding and family support worker within our school.
At Holy Trinity we understand that there can be a lot of pressures on families for lots of different reasons. We want you to know that you are not alone.
As the family support worker, my role is to engage with families within our school community and offer support where needed.
This support may include making referrals to other agencies or professional that can help. These agencies include;
- Early Help
- Wood Street Mission (school uniform scheme)
- Big Manchester
- Local food banks
- Debt advice agencies
Please feel able to speak to me either in the playground before or after school. If you prefer you can ring school and speak to me on the phone, or arrange a face to face chat.
Family support in Manchester
FamilyLine is a free service available to support adult family members on all aspects of family life issues via telephone, text message and email. Whether it’s emotional support or practical advice on any aspect of parenting or broader family issues, call: 0808 802 6666, text: 07537 404282, email: or live web via our website
Early Help
Early Help identifies needs within families early, and providing preventative support and intervention before problems become complex and entrenched.
Early Help allows for support to be put in place at the right time to meet families’ needs prior to issues reaching crisis point. It draws upon families’ own skills and promotes self-reliance.
Early Help approaches mean using approaches that promote and strengthen community, children and family assets, building on the strengths of individuals and communities to develop new ways of thinking about and responding to difficulties.
You can contact your local early help hub for general advice, guidance and information-
North Manchester Early help Hub- 0161 2341973