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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Together we make a difference

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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Aims


Holy Trinity lies in the heart of our local and diverse community. We are very proud of the children in our school and work hard to develop close links with our parish and families to often become more than just a school.

Our aim is to provide all children with a safe, happy and memorable learning journey that will equip them with the knowledge and skills ready for their next stage of learning.

Our mission statement ‘Together we make a difference,’ highlights our commitment to partnership working in order to provide the very best opportunities for our children.

Our commitment to high standards, both within learning and behaviour, along with our engaging curriculum, encourages all children to become confident, independent learners and to reach their full potential.

Through our Christian values and Nurturing approach we aim for our children to be happy, well rounded and adjusted young people who have high inspirations towards future life opportunities.


Curriculum Intent:


Our school curriculum has been designed to prepare the children with the skills and knowledge that prepares them for the next stage in their education.

During their time at Holy Trinity primary School, children will build on their knowledge through a coherent sequence of learning, regularly reflecting and building upon previous work, while also making links through wider themes or ‘Big Ideas’.

Our curriculum is planned and sequenced to develop deep, long-lasting learning, building upon prior knowledge, which our children can use today, tomorrow and for the rest of their lives. By developing links across their studies, where appropriate, children learn more, remember more and do more. Revisiting objectives through different contexts allows children to make links with prior learning, resulting in more learning ‘sticking’, transferring into the long-term memory.


“If nothing has altered in long-term memory, nothing has been learnt”


Our Curriculum outlines the knowledge and skills that children need to enable them to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life. There is a difference between knowledge which is retained close to the point of teaching and that which will be retained forever. Our curriculum contains essential “Big Ideas” that children will need in order to access the next year`s objectives e.g. the end points in each subject area that children will need to know and be able to do, in a logical progression.

Curriculum Overview Years 1 - 6

Curriculum Catch Up Strategy

