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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

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At Holy Trinity, we aim for children to become enthusiastic and fluent readers who have an appreciation and love of books. Children are encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction and to use these skills to gain knowledge across the curriculum. We aim for children to have access to a vocabulary rich environment and to read with accuracy, fluency, prosody, confidence and understanding.



At Holy Trinity, we have designed a ‘reading journey’ which signposts key skills at each stage of the child’s school life. We use our ‘big ideas’ in reading which are:-

  • Phonological awareness
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension
  • Reading for Pleasure

At Holy Trinity, we deliver daily phonics sessions in EYFS and KS1 – reading books are then aligned to the children’s phonics phase with fully decodable books. (For further information, see phonics section on our website). Independent reading is monitored closely across school via phonics initially and then by use of Accelerated Reader as children become more proficient.

As children develop fluency at the end of phase 5, they move to book banded books (orange and turquoise) before starting on Accelerated Reader. This is usually from Y2 – Y6.

To develop fluency, children are encouraged to read aloud to adults and older pupils. As confidence develops, they also complete paired reading with either a confident peer or an adult to model fluency and prosody.

From Y1, guided reading is taught using a ‘three questions’ approach. In KS1 this is completed as a carousel throughout the week, whereas in KS2, we move to whole class comprehension discussion sessions. Children are encouraged to answer a variety of questions in detail, by referring to what they have read. Further opportunities are provided for focused vocabulary activities and comprehension activities based on gaps which have been identified by assessment.

The teaching of vocabulary is cross-curricular with tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary being incorporated into other lessons wherever possible. Staff have access to a bank of vocabulary to be taught explicitly across the curriculum.

Reading for pleasure is encouraged across school. Whole class books are read by adults and each class has an area for reading. There are regular opportunities for books to be promoted either by themed days (such as World Book Day) or by visiting authors and library visits.



Regardless of background, ability or additional needs, by the time children leave Holy Trinity they will:-

  • Be inspired by literature and have opinions on a variety of authors
  • Develop understanding and enjoyment of a wide range of age-appropriate books
  • Read with confidence, fluency and prosody at their level of attainment
  • Use and understand tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary, linked to other curriculum areas
  • See reading as a way to increase knowledge and understanding of the world



