Friday 15th January 2021
Maths Lesson 9
Thank you for all your hard work this week. Did you manage to beat your time in the counting challenge?
Today we are learning to make arrays. Arrays are useful in making our counting and calculating simpler. An array is where we arrange objects in to rows and columns. Each row will have the same amount of objects in it. The number in each column will be the same.
Here is the link for today's lesson -
Once you have watched the video please complete the worksheet in your pack.
Then using objects like pasta, pennies or bits of paper see, if you can make the following arrays:
3 rows with 4 objects in each row.
6 rows with 2 objects in each row.
5 rows 5 counters in each row.
Can you make your own?
I am really looking forward to seeing your work!
Thursday 14th January 2021
Maths Lesson 8
Well done to everyone who has been completing and sharing their Maths work. You are all working very hard and it is great to see so many of you trying your best. Remember if you need any help or you don't understand anything then please email us and we will help you.
In today's Maths lesson we will be adding equal groups. Remember that each group has the same amount of objects in it. You will need to count in 2s, 5s and 10s today.
Here is the link for today's lesson -
Once you have watched the video please complete the worksheet in your pack.
Maths - Lesson 7
Wednesday 13th January
Good morning Year 2! I hope you are ready for another marvellous Maths lesson today?!
How is your counting challenge in twos to 24 and fives to 60, going? How quick were you? Can you beat your time today?
Today we are going to continue our work on Grouping. Today's lesson is a practical lesson so you will need your pasta, pennies, toy cars or bits of paper to help you complete the lesson. During the lesson today you are going to be doing some investigating to find out which numbers make equal or unequal groups. Remember that an equal group has the same amount of objects in it.
Here is the video link for today's Maths lesson.
Once you have watched the video please complete the following activity using your objects.
Maths Lesson 6
Tuesday 12th January 2021
To warm up ready for today's Maths lesson we would like you to count in twos to 24 and fives to 60. Ask an adult to time you to see how long it takes you. We will do this everyday this week so you can see if you can beat your time and become a mutiplication master!! Send your times in to Miss McKirgan and I and the fastest times will earn 5 green dots!
In Maths today we are going to continue to learn about equal and unequal groups. For part of the lesson today you will need some objects which you can us to make groups - e.g. pasta, pennies, toys, bits of paper.
Please watch the video below and then complete the activity in your pack.
Maths - Lesson 5
Monday 11th January 2021
In Maths this week we are going to start to learn about grouping. Knowing and understanding how to group helps us with our multiplication and division.
Today we would like you to watch the White Rose Maths video ( and complete the activities in the video. To help you complete the activities you will need some objects that you can put into equal and unequal groups. This could be pasta, pennies, toy cars or bits of paper that you have cut up.
When you are grouping today you are not sorting objects so that each group has the same object in it. You are grouping the objects so that there is the same amount of objects when you are making equal groups and a different amount of objects when you are grouping into unequal groups.
Once you have watched the video you need to complete the activity at the end. You will need 12 objects to complete this and a copy of the activity can be found below.
Lesson 4 - Place Value
Friday 8th January 2021
Today in Maths we are going to be reading and writing numbers to 100 using numerals and words. You will need to count the objects carefully to find out how many there are altogether and then think about how you will write the number using numerals (digits) and words.
The video below will help you complete today's activity.
Extra Challenge.
Lesson 3 - Place Value
Thursday 7th January 2021
Today's Maths lesson is comparing numbers to 50. You will need to think about the language of more than, less than and equal to and use this to help you compare the numbers you can see. You will also need to use the inequality symbols: < (less than), > (greater than) and = (equal to).
When you are comparing the numbers remember to use your place value knowledge, think about which number is the tens number and which one is the ones. Are there fewer tens in one number than the other?
Using the link below watch the White Rose Maths lesson and complete the worksheet. You should have a copy of this in your home learning pack. If you haven't recieved your pack yet, don't worry you will recieve it soon. You can always write your answers in your Home Learning book. If you don't have cubes or counters you could use any other practical objects such as pasta, pennies or toy cars or you could draw a picture of the base ten to help you.
For an extra challenge and 2 green dots can you tell me if the statement above is true of false? You must explain to me how you know. You could draw me a picture of base ten or tens frames with counters in to prove it. Hint - think about which inequality sign is being used to compare the numbers. Say the numbers out loud using the words which the inequality sign represents. Think about how many tens and ones are in each number.
Good luck!! I cannot wait to see you prove it!
Lesson 2 - Place Value
Wednesday 6th January 2021.
Today we would like to complete the following activity in your Remote Learning book. Look carefully at the representations and think about which number they are showing. Remember that < is the symbol for less than, > is the symbol for greater than and = is the symbol for equal to.