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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

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Welcome to Reception!

In Reception H your teacher is Miss Smith and your teaching assistant is Miss Birch.

In Reception T your teacher is Miss Mayers and your teaching assistant is Miss Flynn. 



Important Information

In RH PE this half term is on a Thursday.

In RT PE this half term is on a Monday.
Your child does not need a P.E kit. 


HOMEWORK and READING BOOKS will be given out every THURSDAY and will need to be returned by TUESDAY at the latest, to allow for marking and reading books to be changed. Please read with your child every night and make a note in their reading record. Please ensure that your child participates in trying a challenge from their homework grid in their homework book. If you have any questions, a member of the Reception Team will be happy to help. 


We play outdoors in ALL weathers. Please ensure your child brings a suitable coat to school every day and please bring a pair of wellies to be kept in school.

Transition to Year 1 Meeting Summer 2024

Sports Stay and Play


Thank you to all those that were able to attend our outdoor stay and play. The children enjoyed the range of activities such as the egg and spoons, the hurdles, as well as the sacks for racing. The children  commented on the fact they loved playing with their parents in the Reception outdoor area. 

Easter Performance! 


The children all did a wonderful job in their second performance of the year. The children sang a range of different Easter songs, including "I'm a Spring Chicken" and "I'm sprouting out". The parents enjoyed their wonderful dancing and singing. Well done to all the children that made their own Easter bonnet as part of their homework project. We were blown away with the amount of effort that you put in!



Reception have had another fantastic term learning in our outdoor area. We love exploring the natural environment using our senses to develop our observational skills. For example, collecting blossom that has fallen from our trees to put in our creative areas, making homes for our minibeasts and making glasses out of frozen ice. Reception learn outside in all weathers which helps us to learn about the changes in seasons, so please remember to always bring a coat to school. We have enjoyed using the outdoor area to develop our mathematical understanding and as well as improving on our life skills such as looking after the environment by using litter pickers to collect rubbish. 

Chinese New Year! 

Reception have enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. We started our celebration by following the Chinese tradition of dusting and cleaning our environment. The children made their own dragon hats in the creative areas to use in our outdoor parade. We enjoyed moving and dancing to Chinese music in the classroom as well in our outdoor areas. We had a Chinese feast where we all tasted noodles, hoisin sauce, prawn crackers and a variety of fresh vegetables. Yum in our tums! 

Animal Club Visit


We had a wonderful visit from a company called the 'Animal Club'. We got to meet and hold some animals that we haven't seen before. We were shocked to see and hear about some of the animals that came to see us. The lady told us that all of these animals live at her house and she has 27 in total. 

We really enjoyed learning about the animals that we got to meet and stroke. We were all so brave and kept as quiet as possible as not to scare them. We went back to class and made some fact files about some of the animals that had visited.

Thank you Animal Club, we loved every minute!


Maths Workshop

We had a fantastic time during our Maths workshop this term. We have been showing our adults how we learn about maths at school and some things that could help us at home to support our maths development.

We used our provision area to show our grown-ups some of the activities that help support our maths learning. We participated in activities including; pegging the missing number on the number line, making part whole models with different numbers, finding one more an one less than, we made number bond paper chains, we created repeating patterns with coloured counters and we practised our number formation.

We had the best time showing our families how and what we like to learn and we can't wait for our next workshop together soon.


Dentist Visit


We have really enjoyed having a visit from a local dentist. We discussed what we can do and what foods we can eat to make our teeth healthy and nice and clean. We practised how to clean our teeth properly, how much toothpaste to use and how long we need to brush them for. We even got to take home our own toothbrushes and we saved some so that we could brush our teeth after our dinner at school.


Thank you for coming to help us.

Doctor Visit


Last week we were lucky enough to have Doctor Gage come and visit our RT and RH classes. He taught us all about how to be healthy, where our heart is and how to help people who are poorly. We learnt to call 999 if there is an emergency and where we can go to get better. We also learnt why it is important to wear gloves and what it means to be a patient.

We tried on some clothes that we might wear if we went into hospital such as a gown or robe and used the Stethoscope to listen to each other's hearts and lungs. We used some wooden Tongue Depressors to check inside our mouths to see if it was healthy and he showed us how to wrap up a sore or cut with a bandage.

We even got to keep some so we can use them in our role play! We have really enjoyed pretending to be doctors and nurses and helping to make our class friends feel well.

We have loved Dr Gage coming in to see us and we have make him some thank you cards which he will hopefully receive soon in the post.

Thank you so much.



Phonics Parent Workshop

Phonics Parent Workshop


A BIG thank you to all the parents and carer's who attended our workshop! We had lots of fun taking part in lots of rhyming and phonics activities! We are also celebrating National Nursery Rhyme week and enjoyed sharing our songs with our visitors. Nursery rhymes form the foundation of early phonics and reading skills and lot of parents enjoyed taking part. We also talked about our home reading books and introduced our Reading River reading competition, for those children who read every night, they will be awarded a prize at the end of half term! Happy Reading Reception!

