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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Together we make a difference

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Welcome to Reception!

Reception H Teacher is Ms Smith and Mrs Marshall

   Reception T Teacher is Ms Mayers and Mrs Marshall 

Miss Dunlevy, Mrs Lynn and Mrs Flynn are also part of the Reception Team.  



Important Information

In RH PE this half term is on a Monday.

In RT PE this half term is on a Monday.
Your child does not need a P.E kit. 


HOMEWORK and READING BOOKS will be given out every THURSDAY and will need to be returned by TUESDAY at the latest, to allow for marking and reading books to be changed. Please read with your child every night  (5 -10 minutes) and make a note in their reading record. Please ensure that your child participates in trying a challenge from their homework grid in their homework book. If you have any questions, a member of the Reception Team will be happy to help. 

Phonics homework will be sent out every week. On Monday, the children will receive the ‘SuperSonic Phonic Friends’ (our phonics scheme) newsletter. This outlines the sounds the children will be learning the following week and will give examples of the sorts of words we will be teaching the children to read and write. On Friday, the children will receive a phonics themed task for them to independently work on at home. This is additional the daily reading the children will be doing. This home should be returned on Monday. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Reception Team. 


We play outdoors in ALL weathers. Please ensure your child brings a suitable coat to school every day and please bring a pair of wellies to be kept in school.

