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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Together we make a difference

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Year 2

Meet our Year 2 team smiley


Class Teachers:

Miss Smith (2H)

Mrs Drayson (2T)


Teaching Assistants:

Miss Beard and Miss Clough

 Important Information


PE - Tuesday afternoon for both classes. 

Children must bring their PE kit to school.  They will get changed in school after lunch and will change back into their uniform to go home.


PE kits may be left in school on your child's peg. 


PE kit should consist of:

  • yellow or white t-shirt
  • blue shorts (or jogging bottoms in winter).
  • school jumper (in the winter)
  • pumps or trainers

It is important that children do not wear jewellery to school, in particular hooped earrings. This is to keep them safe and prevent injury. They may wear small stud earrings if they have pierced ears.


Please ensure that you put your child's name in their PE kit to ensure that they bring home the correct kit home. 


Homework -

Homework is sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned to school by the following Tuesday. Your child will receive a piece of Maths homework and spellings linked to their current phonics phase. Please help your child to complete their homework and practise their spellings. Spellings will be tested in school on a Friday.


Reading -

Please ensure that your child has their reading book in school everyday and that their reading record is signed when they have read to an adult or an older sibling. Your child should be reading everyday at home for 10 to 20 minutes. Books will be available for children to change every day. 



The children have been working really hard this term preparing for the KS1 nativity. We practiced our songs every day in school and the scripts and actions each week. Thank you to all the parents for helping your child practice their words at home. The children were incredible in the nativity and you could see how hard the children had worked when they performed this to you all. 

The children had a lovely time visiting the library. The children were sensible and safe walking to the library where we met a librarian. The children listened to a story and were told about all the exciting things they can do at the library. The children designed their own front cover of a book and chose some books to bring back to school to read as a class.

What we will be learning in Year 2.

