Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
In Year 1 the children will be taught by
Miss McKirgan and Mrs Skerritt
Our Year 1 staff team also includes Miss Beard, Miss Foster, Miss Whitworth and Miss Byrne.
Our email address is us an message and pictures of your work
Year 1 Sports Day - Thursday 8th July 2021
Each week we will be setting a homework quiz on google classroom. It is important to check Google Classroom each week.
Email for your username and password and watch this video to help you log on.
Y1 Remote Learning Timetable - From Monday 29th March
Celebration assembly -
Wednesday 31st March
Good morning! Today we have lots of fun lessons planned. All the lessons, works and videos are on You have been emailed your log in. If you need your log in details email or call the school office and we can resend your log in details.
Home Learning gallery - week beginning Monday 29th March
Tuesday 30th March - English
Complete you handwriting challenge. Watch the video below to help you.
Yesterday you created a mindmap of all the good things about our school. Today you are going to choose the 4 best things about Holy Trinity and you are going to draw it and explain why it is so good. Remember to use your neatest handwriting and to include full stops and capital letters.
All the videos are on You have been emailed your log in. If you need your log in details email
When you have completed your work email it to y1@holytrinity,
Tuesday 30th March - Maths
Today we are going to look at money and coins. Each coin has its own value. Watch the video and complete the sheet.
All the videos are on You have been emailed your log in. If you need your log in details email
When you have completed your work email it to y1@holytrinity,
Remember to email your work to
Today we are going to use our phonics to read a picture and then label the picture. Remember the letter clues might be for the beginning, the middle or the end of the word.
All the videos are on You have been emailed your log in. If you need your log in details email
When you have completed your work email it to y1@holytrinity,
When you have completed your task send a picture to
All the videos are on You have been emailed your log in. If you need your log in details email
In computing we are going to think about instructions we could give to the robot. Your first task is to match the correct symbol to the label. Next reading the instructions you have to decide which is the correct instruction to send the red robot to the red spot. Read the instructions carefully and put a circle around the correct one.
Finally can you write the instruction to get the blue robot to the blue star. Remember, use the labels at the beginning to help you. Does the robot need to go forward or back, left or right? How many spaces?
We need to help the pirate find all of his treasure and with your help your going to give the pirate the instructions to do this. Watch the video to help you.
Once you have completed this you could ask your adult to follow your instruction to see if they can collect the treasure. Remember take a picture of your work and send your work to
All the videos are on You have been emailed your log in. If you need your log in details email
Create a personal timeline. Draw a picture of each important event in your life or use photographs. Include events like - when you were born, when you started walking, when you went to nursery, when you learnt to ride a bike, when you went to school, you favourite birthday, when you learnt to write your name and any other significant events in your life.
When you have completed your work email it to y1@holytrinity,
Monday 29th March - English
Start with handwriting - look at the video to help you -
Then we are going to think about why Holy Trinity is such a good school. Create a mindmap and list all the great things about our school. Watch the video to help you -
When you have finished email your work to
Monday 29th March - Maths
Today we are going to recap what we have learnt about 2D and 3D shapes. Look at the sheet 4a and complete the tasks. Then we are going to work on our arithmetic skills. Look at sheet 5B and complete the questions. Watch the video -
Email your completed work to
Monday 29th March - Phonics
Today in phonics everyone has a sheet that looks like similar to this. You will all have slightly different pictures. Your job is to look at the picture and complete the spelling. Look at the phoneme frame to help with your spellings. Remember to say it, write it and check it by reading it. Watch the video to help you -
Email your work to when you have finished
Monday 29th March- PSHE
We are going to look at people who help us. There are lots of people who help us - our parents, doctors, police men and women, ambulance drivers, shop workers and many more.
Look at the pictures and match the picture to description. Then fill in the blanks to complete the sentence. There is a video below to help you too: and
When you have finished email your work to
Monday 29th March - Geography
We should have two days left on our weather diary -
Remember you must check the weather each morning and then after lunch and draw a picture and write the weather type in each box. Remember to check which day you need to complete and remember to do this everyday. At the end of the week when you have completed each box email a picture of your work to
Monday 29th March - Art
Today we are going to have a go at drawing a dog. We can follow the step by step guides and then add our own colour and maybe even a body. Try drawing different sized dogs too. Can you draw a family of dogs?
Watch the video below to help you When you have finished email your work to
Friday 26th March - English
We are going to write a guide showing people how you look after a pet. Will you choose a dog or a cat? Maybe a rabbit?
Your guide must include what the pet will eat, what they like to do, exercise, bathing, brushing, etc. Remember to draw a picture, write in full sentences and use capital letters, full stops and adjectives. Remember to use your booklet to help you. Watch this video to help you -
When you have completed your guide email a picture to -
Friday 26th March - Maths - worksheet 3a
Today we are going to recap what we have learnt about 2D and 3D shapes and then look at patterns using 2D and 3D shapes. Watch the video - and then complete the worksheet
Email your work to
Friday 26th March - Phonics
In your phonics lesson you will the task that looks similar to the sheet below. We want you to read the word, draw a picture, write the word and the write a sentence with the word in it. Watch the video to help you
Geography - Weather diary
Remember you must check the weather each morning and then after lunch and draw a picture and write the weather type in each box. Remember to check which day you need to complete and remember to do this everyday. At the end of the week when you have completed each box email a picture of your work to If you need help watch the video here -
Friday 26th March - RE - Easter symbols
Today we will be learning about the Christian Easter Symbols. Watch the video and then draw and label Christian Easter symbols and then write about why they are important to Christians and what they mean.
For example, Easter eggs represent the empty tomb after Jesus had risen from the dead.
When you have finished your work email a picture to
Friday 26th March - Art
Today we are going to learn and practice drawing an elephant. Watch the video - and follow the instructions. Remember to email your pictures to -
Friday 26th March 2021
Today Mr Grace is reading our story. Listen to it here
What stories have you been reading at home?
Remote Learning Gallery week beginning - 23rd March
Thursday 25th March - English - Types of pets - sheet 2a
Complete your handwriting challenge. Watch the video here - help you.
After handwriting look at the pictures and think about which pet would be the easiest to look after and which would be the hardest to look after. Think about why they might be easy or hard to look after.
Cut out or draw each animal and place them in order from easiest to hardest. Then label each animal. Can you tell a grown up why a horse might be tricky to look after?
Reading the booklet that that we sent home might help you with this task.
When you have finished your work email it to -
Thursday 25th March - Maths sheet 2a -
Recognise and name 2D shapes. Today we will look at 2D shapes. Watch the video -
Then complete the work sheets in your pack.
When you have completed your work email it to
Thursday 25th March - Phonics
In your phonics lesson you will the task that looks similar to the sheet below:
Your job is to look at the picture and label each item. Think about the picture and what it is and then use your phonics to spell the words. Watch this video for more help - If you need more help email and remember to email your work when you have finished.
Geography - Weather diary
Remember you must check the weather each morning and then after lunch and draw a picture and write the weather type in each box. Remember to check which day you need to complete and remember to do this everyday. At the end of the week when you have completed each box email a picture of your work to If you need help watch the video here -
Thursday 25th March - My Happy Mind sheet 1
We have been learning about our brains and how they work and what they do within our bodies. Watch the video for today's lesson here -
Think about what jobs our brain does. Our brain controls our emotions, controls our body and helps us solve problems. Can you think about what this means and give examples of how your brain helps you everyday in everything you do. Complete the sheet below and then email it to
Thursday 25th March - Science 1a - Parts of a flower
Today we are going to think about flowers and what each part if the flower is called.
Watch the video here to help you -
You will either cut out the flower parts and build your own flower or you can draw and colour your own flower. Then you must label each part of the flower.
Think about each part and use these words to help you -
root, stem, petal, leaves
When you have finished your work email it to
Wednesday 24th March - English - sheet 1a
My Pet. Today we are going to think about pets. Do you have a pet? Do you want a pet? Would you have a dog or would you prefer a snake or a horse?
Think about what pet you would like or tell me about the pet you have. Draw it and then describe it. Tell me:
your pets name, what it looks like, what it likes to do and why it is such a good pet. If you need more help watch the video below.
Remember if you do not have a pet you can use your imagination and tell me about the pet you would like. Email your work to
Wednesday 24th March - Maths 1a
Today we are looking at 3D shapes. We will name them and then sort them. Find the following sheet in your pack:
Watch the video and then answer the questions on the sheet.
Video 1 - recognising 3D shapes -
Video 2 - sorting 3D shapes-
We will go over some of the maths in our Zoom lesson today.
When you have finished email your work to
The following sheet might help you.
Wednesday 24th March - Phonics 1a
Today in phonics everyone has a sheet that looks like similar to this. You will all have slightly different pictures. Your job is to look at the picture and complete the spelling. Look at the phoneme frame to help with your spellings. Remember to say it, write it and check it by reading it.
Email your work to
Wednesday 24th March - PSHE 1a - What does this pet need?
Carrying on learning about pets, in PSHE we are going to look at what pets need and how we can look after them.
Look at the sheets below.
Cut out the picture or copy the pictures and add them to the correct pet bowl. What things does the dog need? What about the fish?
Colour the pictures and email your work
Wednesday 24th March - Geography
We have been learning about the weather. Your job is to complete a weather diary for each day. We have done this in class but now it is spring we want to see how the weather changes.
Each morning check the weather and then after lunch check the weather and draw a picture and write the weather in each box. Remember to check which day you need to complete and remember to do this everyday. At the end of the week when you have completed each box email a picture of your work to
Tuesday 23rd March
Good Morning. We have to work from home for the next few days but do not worry we are going to have lots of fun. We will be sending packs out to you all today. If you have any questions please email us on
For Maths today we want you to find out how many times you can make 14. Write down, draw and show me how many times you can make 14. Email your work to
In English you job is to create your work station ad make a list of everything you will need in your workstation. Will you need a pencil? your slippers? A cup of tea? Write your list and collect all the items and then send a picture of yourself in your work station along with a picture of you sitting at your work station. Email your work to
After lunch in art, we want you to draw a picture of something that makes you happy at home. Draw an label your picture and email it to us at
Miss Foster's work station
Today at my workstation I have:
- a notebook
- pens
- highlighters
- story books
- laminator
- cup of tea
- and most importantly JAFFA CAKES!!
Mr Grace's work station
My Check List
- My Laptop
- Coffee
- Pen
- Highlighter
- Story Books
Time to Connect
Look at some of the amazing posters from the fantastic pupils in Year 1. Have you sent your picture in? Where have you put your poster?
Match 5th - English
Create a wanted poster for the kind of friend you would like. Would your friend need to be funny? Kind? good at football? chatty?
Draw a picture and then write down the qualities that your friend should have.
Friday 5th March - Maths

Friday 5th March - Phonics
Complete the last phonics tasks in your pack.
Friday 5th March - Phonics - Mrs Skerritt

Thursday world book day

Thursday 4th March 2021 - English
Complete your handwriting challenge. Watch the video here - or see below.
Then think about why friends are important and why we need friends. Draw a picture of you and your friend and then describe in each speech bubble why friends are important and why we need friends. Remember full stops and capital letters and use your neatest handwriting. Watch the video her to help you - or watch below. Email your work to
As part of World Book day BBC are also hosting a live lesson at 11.30 on Thursday for 30 minutes. You may wish to pass the link to parents or take a look in school. Further details are at:-


Thursday 4th March - Maths

Thursday 4th March - Afternoon lessons.
This afternoon you have a choice. Complete the work in your pack or complete one of the World Book day challenges below.
Can you also do something a little crazy and a little funny? Can you think of a strange place to read a book and send us a picture of this to Do you read under your bed? in the garden? at the park? whilst washing the dishes? standing on your head? we can not wait to see your pictures.
Next week we will also be working with the local poet Dom Berry. He will be running some workshops with children next week There is a link below for a YouTube video of one of his poems 'Best Adventure Ever'. Take a look and let us know what you like about the poem.
Wednesday 3rd March - English
Complete your handwriting practice by watching the video here or below
Then think about when we need friends and why friends are important. Draw a picture of you and your friends and then fill in the speech bubbles. Explain why we need friends and what makes friends important. Watch the video here or below.
Email your work to

Wednesday 3rd March - Maths

Wednesday 3rd March - Phonics
Complete your task in your pack. Email your work to
Wednesday 3rd March - Phonics

Today we are learning about our sense of touch. We know that we need our eyes to see, our ears to hear, our tongue to taste but it is our skin that can sense different things by touching them. Our skin helps us to work out if an object is cold or hot, if it is rough or smooth. We can also work out the shape of an object without looking at it just by feeling it.
Ask your grown up to place 6 different objects into a bag. Without looking, choose an object and feel it. How does it feel? Is it rough, smooth, curved or flat?
Look at my video explaining how to complete the investigation sheet.
Wednesday 3rd March - Science

Tuesday 2nd March - English
Complete your handwriting task - check the video here or below.
Then we want you to think about how you would catch a star. Draw 4 ways and then write a sentence describing how you would catch the star. Remember full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. Can you use adjectives too? Look at the video here to help or watch the video below.

Tuesday 2nd March - Maths

Tuesday 2nd March - PSHE
Think about a wishing well and what wishes you would wish for. Who would you wish for? Click here for the video - or watch it below.
March 2nd -PSHE

Tuesday 2nd March - RE
Today when you go for your exercise I would like you to take a closer look at the environment. Did you notice new plants or flowers growing? Are the leaves beginning to grow on the trees? Think about what is different between now (Spring) and the Autumn. Can you take photos of your walk of the things you notice that are beginning to grow and email them?
Every year new life begins and ends with plants and animals. We call this a life cycle. Watch the video of the caterpillar life cycle. Life Cycle of a Butterfly | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children - Bing video Can you see how the life cycle of a butterfly goes round and round. Humans have a life cycle too.
Your task today is to draw a picture of something that you saw beginning to grow from your walk. Underneath write two sentences to describe it. Don’t forget your full stops, capital letters and adjectives.
March 2nd RE

March 2nd - Phonics - Mrs Skerritt

Monday 1st March

Monday 1st March - English
Complete your handwriting challenge - look at the video here or below -
Then we want you to listen to the story 'How to catch a star' and think about how the boy tried to catch a star.
Look at the pictures and describe how he tried to catch the star. Cut the pictures out, stick them and then write a description of how he tried to catch the star. Watch the video here or below to help you Remember full stops and capital letters and also neat handwriting.
When you have done email your work to

English 1st March

Monday 1st March - maths

Monday 1st March - Phonics
Complete the work in your phonics pack. If you have any questions please email us on y1@holytrinity,
Monday 1st March - Geography
Let's see what we can remember about the United Kingdom. Look at the sheet in your pack and fill in the missing information. Look back at your work you have completed already. Have a look at the video here - or below. If you need any help remember to email us. When you have completed your work email it to us at
Monday 1st March

Happy Friday

Friday 26th February - English
Complete your handwriting challenge - click here for the video or watch the video below.
After handwriting you are going to think about and if necessary re-watch the video for 'How to catch a star' - and then we want you to think about what the word patient means. Why is the boy patient? What happens in the story to show that he is patient? We want you to draw a picture of when the boy is patient and then write some super sentences describing when he is patient and how you know he is being patient by what he is doing. Click here - or watch the video below if you need some more help. When you have done email your work to
Friday 26th February - Maths
Today we will be practising our maths skills that we have learned and will complete some problem solving activities. On your sheet, label each of the calculations so you can find out which representations match each other. Find the one that does not have a partner? Which one is it?
Can you complete the remaining problems?
Friday 26th February - Maths

Friday 26th February - Phonics
Complete the work in your phonics pack. If you have any questions please email us on y1@holytrinity,
Thursday 25th February

Thursday 25th February - English
Complete your handwriting challenge - watch the video below or click here -
After handwriting look at the work in your pack and the video below or here -
You are going to correct Miss Borrell's mistakes. She has forgotten to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and she has even spelt some words wrong and missed out some words too. Circle the mistakes and then write out the correct sentence underneath.
Email your work to
Thursday 25th Feb - Handwriting

Thursday 25th Feb - English

Thursday 25th February - Maths
We are continuing to make 10 when adding like we did yesterday. If you need a reminder, check out the activity you did and keep practising.
Click on the link to watch the video: Spr1.3.2 - Add by making 10 on Vimeo
Thursday 25th February - Maths

⁹Thursday 24th February - Geography
Today in Geography we are going to look at human features and physical features. A human feature is a objector place that has been built by humans, like a castle, a park, a harbour or a house. A physical feature is something that is not man made and is natural and part of the earth, like a volcano, a mountain or a river.
Look at the pictures and and cut them out then sort them in to physical and human features.
Email your work to
Thursday 25th Feb -Geography

Thursday 25th February - Numbots
Log in to NUMBOTS and see how many questions you can answer. Click here to log in -
Thursday 25th February - Phonics - Mrs Skerritt

Remote Learning gallery
Wednesday 24th February

Wednesday 24th February - Maths

Wednesday 24th February - Science


Time to Connect
Who has started colouring their posters? If you have send us your pictures to We then want you to put your poster in your window for everyone to see! We want to see your posters as we walk and drive around and we want you to see them when you take your daily activities.
Wednesday 24th February - English
Complete your handwriting practice. Watch the video below or click here -
Then re-watch the story of 'How to catch a star' - click here for the story
Your English task can be found here -
Your English task is to describe the main character - the boy. Think about what he looks like, how he acts and what kind of person he is. Is he brave? Is he lonely? Label the picture with adjectives and then write 4 sentences. Make sure you include full stops, capital letters, adjectives and your neatest handwriting. Also remember to check that your sentences make sense and you are using your phonics to help spell tricky words.
Wednesday 24th Feb - Maths
Add by making 10 Spr1.3.1 - Add by making 10 activity on Vimeo
Today we will continue to use number bonds to help us make 10 when adding. E.g. 8 + 5 is the same as saying 8 + 2 + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13. We find the number to make the number bond to 10 then add the rest of the second number.
Email your work to
Wednesday 24th February - Phonics
Complete the work in your phonics pack. If you have any questions please email us on y1@holytrinity,
Wednesday 24th February - Science
Today we are going to learn about the sense of smell. We use our nose to identify different smells - sometimes these are pleasant and sometimes they are nasty. Can you think of things that smell nice and nasty? Watch the video which introduces how we smell: An introduction to the sense of smell - KS1 Science - BBC Bitesize
Look at the pictures of these dogs. These are rescue dogs and they use their noses to locate people who might be lost or trapped.
They have a great sense of smell and are able to rescue lots of people unlike humans.
We are going to carry out a simple investigation now. Watch my video to show you how to complete this sheet:
Tuesday 23rd Feb

Tuesday 23rd February - Time to Connect - poster challenge
In your pack you should have a poster to colour. Your task is to colour this poster and then send us a picture of your poster to We then want you to put your poster in your window for everyone to see! We want to see your posters as we walk and drive around and we want you to see them when you take your daily activities.
Tuesday 23rd February - English
Complete your handwriting by watching the video below or by clicking here to watch it
Listen to the story 'How to catch a star' by Oliver Jeffers - below or here -
After listening to the story thin carefully about he events that happen in the story. We want you to sequence the story using the pictures in your pack. Then we want you to add time words - First, then, next, after that, etc. -
When you have finished email your work to y1@holytrinity,
Tuesday 23rd February - Maths
Today we will find and make number bonds to 10.
In your pack you have 2 different coloured counters and tens frames. Watch the video showing you how to practise making number bonds within 10 and using this to help you find number bonds to 20. Write down 5 different number bonds to 10 that help you find the number bond to 20. E.g. I know that 8 + 2 = 10 so 18 + 2 = 20.
Watch the video here - Spring1.2.5 - Find and make number bonds on Vimeo
Email your work to
Tuesday 23rd February - PSHE
In PSHE today we want you to close your eyes and think about all the special people in your life that make you feel loved, protected and those that make you feel strong and powerful like you can do anything you set your mind on. Then make your own shield using the template in your pack.
When you have finished email your work to -
Tuesday 23rd February - RE

Monday 22nd February 2021
Welcome back! We hope you have had a relaxing half term holiday.
Today in English we want you to think about how you would describe yourself. What adjectives would you use? Would you describe what you look like, and what you like to do? your favourite food? your family?
We want you to draw a picture of yourself and then write at least 5 sentences describing yourself. Remember to use your neatest handwriting, full stops, capital letters, adjectives and use 'and' to join two sentences.
Email your work to us on
Monday 22nd Feb - Maths
Today we are going to work on our addition and subtraction skills. We are also going to work on our problem solving skills.
If I tell you that the answer is 5, what could the question be?
It could be 0 + 5 or 6 - 1 or it could be I buy 1 apple and 4 pears and I have 5 altogether. Another way -
I have 3 dogs and you have 2 dogs so we have 5 altogether.
Can think of 3 questions for each of these answers -
1. The answer is 7. What is the question?
2. The answer is 11. What is the question?
3. The answer is 9. What is the question?
Draw a picture of your question, think of number sentences and create your own word problems like I have done.
Email your work to
Monday 22nd February - PE
We hope you are still enjoying your daily exercise. It is important to keep moving! So look at the poster below and choose 10 of your favourite and complete them. Can you challenge an adult at home to join in with you for PE today?
Email a picture of yourself completing the challenges