Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
In Year 3 we are lucky to have a team of adults to support us.
3H Teacher: Miss Glaysher
3T Teacher: Mr Spotwood
Year 3 TAs: Mrs Sharkey, Mr Dowling and Miss Patel. These adults spend time across both classrooms.
Additional adults: Miss Quinn also spends time with Y3 for specific lessons or days.
Forest schools: Miss Jackson is our Forest Schools leader.
PE: Vicky is our specialist gymnastics coach
Music: Ms Wren the specialist music teacher will be working with all of year 3 across the year to teach recorders,
Days to remember:
Summer Term
Tuesday: Forest schools (alternate weeks so 3H one week and 3T the next)
Children to wear:
- School jumper
- Trousers which allow your child to move e.g. leggings, jogger bottoms. As they will be climbing and building.
- Wear or bring trainers or wellies that you don't mind your child getting dirty. (we will be going out in all weathers unless it is too windy).
Thursday: PE day (both Year 3 classes)
Children to wear:
- PE kit. Yellow T-Shirt and Blue Shorts
- Trainers
- School jumper
- On colder days children can wear dark coloured tracksuit/jogger bottoms over the top of their shorts.
- No jewellery
Reading: Your child should be reading every night for 20/30 minutes.
Children will have recieved an Accelerated Reader/ My On log in. This mean the books your child reads at home when returning them to school they will take a quiz asking them questions about the book they have read. This is to see how well they have understood the book, asking them a range of question types. The book has been carefully selected for your child from an assessment they have completed at school. If your child needs a new book they can also access My On and read books online and take quizzes there. This log in should be written inside their reading record book that you sign.
Some children will have access to a programme called Reading Eggs which is more suitable for them.
Multiplication: Your child should be accessing Times Table Rockstars (TTRockstars) 3 x a week for 30minutes).
Children will have recieved a TTRockstars log in (again this is on the inside of their reading record). This is a multiplication programme were they can practise their mutliplication table recall via a range of games. This is a safe programme where they can compete against classmates/ teachers and children from other schools. They is NO chat facility. On certain aspects of the site they will only access questions set to their ability. By the end of Y3 children should be confident in answering x2,3,4,5,8 and 10 at speed. This is in preperation for the Y4 mental multiplication test.
Some children will have access to numbots which is more suitable for them.
Spellings:1x a week
Your child will recieve spellings set to their group to learn once a week. They should be practised as much as needed to enable them to pass the test on the Friday.
Topic: 1 x a term
Children will be set a topic based homework once a term. This is a larger homework which will take a few weeks to complete, usually equaling around an hour a week. This is a creative homework building to a final project to share with the class.
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Our Classroom
Science - Magnets and Forces
In summer term we have been learning about magnets in science. We have been investigating how they attract and repel each other. We have also carried out our own investigations looking at fair tests.
Piccadilly Symphony Orchestra
Today we had our first session with Piccadilly Symphony Orchestra. We are lucky enough to be getting 6 weeks worth of work with the orchestra every Thursday. Today we got to hear all the different instruments and began making body percussion. We made our own 'walk to school' composition. We then made our own little tunes. We will keep you informed about our work and hopefully will perform to you our final piece.
World Book Day
Today we enjoyed World Book Day. Everyone came into school in their pyjamas or loungewear. We had a lovely day celebrating all things books. We used the World Book Day song by MC Grammar to look at a range of books. We then listened to his rap version of the Gruffalo. We then had our turn and tried turning into MC's rapping the room on the broom. See some of efforts below!
Orchestra Day 1 (1).MOV
Orchestra Day 1 (2).MOV
Spring History Homework
February 2022
Please see the attached document for the information regarding our history homework this term.
History Homework Feb 2022
Christmas Fun
We have had lots of Christmas fun this term! We had a pantomime come into school to give us a performance of Dick Whittington. There was lots of laughs and noise! We also had lots of fun in our party! Everyone showed off their best dance moves. We had lots of party food to enjoy (we even have some left over for January treats!).
In DT we designed and made our own money containers. We learnt how to attach the fabric together using stitches. We had to show great perserverance when doing this as it was quite tricky! I hope there were a lot of happy people who recieved them as a gift.
Christmas Fun
Ancient Greek Homework
In Autumn term we held a homework show and tell. Each child got to stand at the front and got to share their work with the class. Everyone who completed their History Homework got a place in the hall to set up their homework and show it to the class and our invited members of staff. Mr Fielden who is in charge of History came to take a look as did Ms Fenlon and Mr Litten. All the adult visitors and the Year 3 team were really impressed with the effort children had gone to. Take a look at some of the homework completed below! We will be completing another creative homework in spring term and will be doing another show and tell then. Keep up the good work!
The children for this homework where asked to research and present information about a mythical Anient Greek beast in any medium.
History Homework Reminder
Just a reminder History project homework is to be in for Tuesday 2nd November (see the link for the sheet that was sent home). Please remember if you need any resources please ask and we will provide anything we have in school (paper, card etc).
Children will be presenting their work to the rest of the class and then we will complete a show and tell with our partner class.
Also remember that you also have access to myon for reading homework and TTRockstars for timestables maths work.
This week we had our first assembly as Lower Key Stage 2 (year 3 and 4). This is the first assembly we have had together for a long time. Father Paul came into school to help us celebrate Harvest. We had a great amount of donations as you can see. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate a food item! I'm sure the families in need who recieve the food will be very grateful. We also had some food from our school allotment which was grown and harvested by the children.
3H Autumn 1 Forest School
In Autumn 1 we have been reminding ourselves of the safety rules in forest school. We have worked on perseverence when we found tasks frustrating and difficult, resilience when something wasn't easy and team work when completing group activities set by an adult and independently. We have started learning about fire safety and ways inwhich we can safely start a fire outdoors using a fire steel. We discussed what a fire needs and what we need to have with us to keep us safe. Some of us had a go at starting our own fires. It wasn't easy and we needed a lot of perservence. The rest of us will have a chance to try in Autumn 2.
Please remember as the weather becomes wetter a pair of wellies or old trainers would be ideal to bring as a change of shoes as we will be going out in all weathers unless it is unsafe.
Celebrating Black Culture
As part of black history month we had our celebration of black culture day. We came into school in our own clothes and some people wore traditional clothes from their culture. We had parents come in to school and talk to us aboout their home countries and what life is like there in comparisson to England. We also tried food from different cultures - it was delicious! Thank you to anyone who contributed!
In Year 3 we also learnt about a Manchester artist, Chris Ofili. We looked at some of his art work and learnt about some of his inspiration. We then tried to recreate some of his work in our own style. See examples below.