Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
On this page you will find daily learning tasks, year group information and wonderful photographs of learning completed by our Year 4 super stars.
If you would like to contact a member of the Year 4 staff team to say hello, answer any questions or send in photographs of your learning please send an email to .
Photographs or documents of completed work must be sent into our class email address so the teachers can give feedback on your learning.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Year 4 Team
Mrs Wordsworth (4T), Mr Spotwood (4H), Mrs Johnson, Mr Roberts and Mrs Sharkey.
Thursday 11th February
Good morning Year 4! It's very cold outside today so make sure that you wrap up warm if you go for a walk and be careful of slippery, icy surfaces! It is the last day of remote learning for this half term. Remember, tomorrow is an INSET day for school staff and next week is the half term break. You have all been working tremendously hard over the last six weeks so well done and take a well deserved rest. Continue to log onto ttrockstars, myon, spellingframe, maths frame and odizzi over the break to keep your brains exercised!
Remote Learning will begin again by 9am on Monday 22nd February.
Remote Learners of the Week
This week's awards go to Jaquan in 4H for his great understanding of pounds and pence while in 4T, Yihui wins the award for her brilliant work ordering money! A maths double whammy! A certificate will make its way to you both.
Please click on this link after 10am for this week's Remote Learning Celebration Assembly:
Well done to everyone for sending in you amazing work!
Please say hello or email work to
We are converting pounds into pence and pence into pounds. Please note that the video for today does not directly match the worksheet however it does provide the appropriate knowledge for today's lesson.
Please click this link for the worksheet:
Please click this link for the video:
Today in English we will be editing our first writing from Tuesday. Editing is a very important job and means that our final piece of writing will be free of mistakes and, most importantly of all, ready for our audience to read. Please click below for today's video. There is also a worksheet at the bottom of today's learning if you need it (yesterday's date is shown).
We have a treasure hunt for you in science today. Please make sure that you work with an adult on today's task. The worksheet is at the bottom of today's learning.
Maths Frame
Another money game for you to try today. So put your learning to use! Here is the link:
4H are still way in front in this week's battle with only one day left, come on 4T! Remember to practice for 10 – 20 minutes everyday.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: A clock!
Here's today's riddle : It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?
English Thursday 11th February
Science Thursday 11th January
Year 4 Gallery - Examples of Super Learning
Wednesday 10th February
Good morning Year 4. Mr Spotwood here with you today. I hope you are all well and ready for today's learning!
Remember to send me a picture of your Maths, English and afternoon subject so that I can see all of your amazing work! Talking of which, check out the Year 4 gallery of work at the bottom of today's learning to see if your work has made it on. The gallery is updated every day.
Please say hello or email work to
We are estimating with money today. Don't forget to have a go at today's maths game on mathsframe too!
Please click this link for the worksheet:
Please click this link for the video:
We are going to scrub up on our vocabulary today in English by learning some absolutely succulent words! Hmm not sure whether that's an appropriate adjective, maybe you could tell me?
Please click the link below for today's video. A worksheet is available to download if you would like (please note that it is yesterday's date).
In RE we are learning about the Hindu festival of lights. I wonder if you could tell me what the name of that festival is? Please read through the text that is attached at the bottom of today's learning and have a go at the activities.
Here is a video to go alongside today's learning:
Copy and paste the links below for today's PE activities. There is also a worksheet to help you at the bottom
Maths Frame
The third money game of this week looks very similar to yesterday but it is a little bit different and more of a challenge. See if you can have a go:
4H are well ahead in this week's battle, come on 4T! Can you catch up with two days left? Remember to practice for 10 – 20 minutes everyday.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: They both weigh the same!
Here's today's riddle and NO GOOGLING! : What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile?
English Wednesday 10th February
RE Wednesday 10th February
PE Wednesday 10th February
Supporting young people online.

Tuesday 9th February
Safer Internet Day
Good morning Year 4, Mr Spotwood here and a happy Safer Internet Day to you all! It may be very cold and snowy outside but I've got plenty of learning to warm you up! For more information on Safer Internet Day, please visit this link:
Visit the E-safety page on our own website. Here you will find useful information, videos and resources to help you keep your children safe online. For example, there is information on games such as Among Us and Roblox. Here is the link:
Please watch the virtual assembly about Safer Internet Day with your children. Click this link:
Remember, you can report cyber bullying. Tell a trusted adult at home or during school hours, you can email your class teacher on the year group email address.
Safer Internet Day task:
1. Make a spider diagram/ mind map/ brainstorm about what you can do to create #AnInternetWeTrust. What do you think others can do – social media and gaming companies, government, teachers or your classmates? Use the template at the bottom of today's learning to explore how we can all work together to question the online world and challenge ourselves and the people and apps we interact with online to change the internet
for the better.
2.Fill the magnifying glass with your ideas about how we can create #AnInternetWeTrust. This could be:
● Questions to ask when you are looking at information online, for example: Who wrote this? Why was it written?
● Words or questions we can ask to help us spot if something is reliable online.
● Illustrations of what a better, more trustworthy internet could look like. Or images of online clues that may make something seem less reliable or trustworthy.
● Pledges of what I will do to help create a more trustworthy internet, such as, “I will only share things I have checked are true” or “I will support my friends if fake news upsets them.”
● You can also fill in the #AnInternetWeTrust hashtag template in any way you like!
Please say hello or email work to
A new remote learning pack should have been posted to you for the next two weeks of maths learning (excluding the half term break). Children who have internet access will receive packs with maths worksheets only. For these children, English and topic learning will be online.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 4 Team
Today we are ordering money. Remember to have a go at today's mathsframe game too!
Please click this link for the worksheet:
Please click this link for the video:
Mr Spotwood made a big mistake yesterday and sent you the link to the wrong English lesson! I am very sorry, I hope you will forgive me? Here is the link for today's lesson which is the first part of writing our explanation text. I will also attach a copy of a worksheet at the bottom of today's learning if you need it :
Use the link below to explore and rain forest creature and create an amazing fact file about it. There is a worksheet to help you at the bottom of today's learning:
Maths Frame
Another money game for you today to help with your learning this week:
Keep logging on this week for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is Mercury!
Here's today's riddle: Which weighs more a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathers?
English 9th February (should have been for yesterday)
Geography 9th February
Safer Internet Day 9th February
Monday 8th February
Good morning Year 4, Mr Spotwood with you here this week. I hope you have had a restful weekend. This is the last week before our half term break 15th - 19th February. Please note that Friday 12th February is a staff INSET day and therefore no remote learning will be set however please make sure you are using ttrockstars, spellingframe, mathsframe and myon every day!
Please say hello or email work to
A new remote learning pack should have been posted to you for the next two weeks of maths learning (excluding the half term break). Children who have internet access will receive packs with maths worksheets only. For these children, English and topic learning will be online.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 4 Team
We are starting a new unit of maths this week and it's all about money! The first lesson is recognising the value of pounds and pence. Please note that the video does not match the worksheet. This is because the Year 4 learning on pounds and pence simply builds on the Year 3 learning. The video link is for the Year 3 pounds and pence lesson but please watch it as it is relevant to Year 4's learning.
Please click this link for the worksheet:
Please click this link for the video:
In English today we are writing the final part of our explanation text. Please click on the link for today's video:
Please click on the attachment at the bottom of today's learning for the art worksheet. Please click on this link to help with today's art:
Maths Frame
Today's tablet friendly game on is solving money problems. This will be a good game to play alongside our learning on money this week.
Keep logging on this week for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
A bit of a science riddle for you today: I am a god, a planet and I can measure heat. What am I?
Congratulations to our Remote Learners of the Week!
Scarlett (4T) and Natan (4H)
You can watch our Celebration Assembly and see all the Learners of the Week for the whole school on our Remote Learning page:
Keep up the great work
A new remote learning pack will be posted to you for the week beginning 8th February. Children who have internet access will receive packs with maths worksheets only. For these children, English and topic learning will be online.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 4 Team
Friday 5th February
Happy Friday Year 4!
Well done for another week of fantastic remote learning! I hope you have a good rest and lots of fun with your families over the weekend. Don’t forget to email us photographs of all your amazing learning so we can send you feedback. Our email address is:
Mrs Wordsworth
Today is our last lesson on multiplication and we are learning about the written methods. Make sure you watch the video as these methods may be different to ones you have learnt before.
Please click this link for the video:
Please click this link for the worksheet:
In our English lesson today we are exploring the functions of fronted adverbials. This is an important Year 4 writing objective so make sure you listen carefully and try your best
Please click here for today's lesson:
Your Friday English treat is a super fun online game called ‘Karate Cats’. Answer spelling, punctuation and grammar questions to earn points then trade them in for treats you can give to your karate cats and kittens! You can earn different coloured karate belts by answering more challenging questions. Let us know how you get on!
In addition to the computing worksheet in your pack, we want to share with you a fantastic website which teaches you how to write code!
There are lots of different interactive lessons with different themes including: Minecraft, Moana, Animoji, Frozen and Star Wars. Let us know which ones you like best!
It is Friday and that means one thing…DANCE PARTY! Have a brain break and wake up your body with Cosmic Kids Yoga Dance Party. There are lots of different themed videos and stories to help you relax, be mindful, stretch and balance.
Take some time to look after yourself by carrying out some of the activities in the A-Z of Wellbeing over the weekend. You can also complete your own A-Z of Wellbeing with ideas for the coming week.
Here are some ideas from my A-Z:
B - Book. This weekend I will spend some time curled up in a blanket reading my book.
C - Cooking. I am going to pick a new recipe and cook a meal together with my family.
N - Nature. I am going to see how many different types of birds I can spot on my daily walk.
What ideas can you come up with?
The ELSA - A to Z of Wellbeing task. There are also other free wellbeing activities you can click on through the pdf.
Maths Frame
Today's tablet friendly game on is Maths Fishing. Remember, when it asks you for your name, make up a fun nickname or just use your first name. To keep ourselves safe online, we don’t give out personal information such as our full name on the internet.
Keep logging on this week for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to concentrate on your 11 and 12 times tables this week.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
You must log on to spellingframe to complete your spelling test every week. If you have not already done so, please take the spelling test today.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday’s riddle is: They have 6 children. Each daughter has the same brother. There are 5 daughters and 1 son.
Today’s riddle: You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 Team
Tuesday 2nd February
Good morning Year 4,
I hope you are all well and keeping busy with your home learning I have something interesting to share with you today that I think you will enjoy. The WWF (World Wide Fund for nature) have shared a calendar for schools full with live learning opportunities and interesting events. Check it out here:
Please send us photographs of your work every day, this includes Maths, English and the Topic lesson of the day. You can email us with any questions about your learning at and we will be happy to help.
Mrs Wordsworth
Here is some key vocabulary to help you with your learning this week:
Building on our learning about factor pairs, we are now studying the most efficient way to multiply.
The video:
The worksheet:
In our English lesson today, we are planning the main body of our explanation text.
Please click here for today's video:
Today's Science lesson is an experiment! You are going to make your own mini water cycle to keep at home. In your learning pack you received a plastic wallet - this is to be used for the experiment. Follow the instructions and write up your observations on the worksheet provided in your pack (which are also attached below).
Links to related online learning:
Magic School Bus – Season 2 Episode 6 (Netflix and Youtube)
Maths Frame
Today's tablet friendly game on is Archery Arithmetic. Remember, by the end of Year 4 all pupils must be fluent in all their times tables from 0 - 12.
The battle is on! Please complete 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise every day to help your class win. Remember to concentrate on your 11 and 12 times tables this week.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday’s riddle is: Today is January 1st, and Liam’s birthday is December 31st. Liam was 11 the day before yesterday (December 30th), then turned 12 the next day. This year on December 31st he’ll turn 13, so next year he’ll turn 14.
Today's riddle is: Mrs. Brown has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters has a brother. How many children does Mrs. Brown have?
Have a fantastic day
The Year 4 Team
Wednesday 3rd February
Good morning Year 4
You have all been very busy working on your home learning - well done! It is also important to remember to look after yourself and give yourself (and your adults!) a brain break sometimes. This week is Children's Mental Health Week (we will be doing something special for this event next week...keep your eyes peeled!) and in honour of this week I wanted to share with you this drawing by artist Charlie Macksey. This school year has been very tricky and we are so proud of how well you have adapted and your continued resilience. Each and every one of you is a superstar!
Remember, if you wobble and need any help with any of the work you can email us on and we will be happy to help.
Mrs Wordsworth
In maths this morning we are learning about factor pairs.
Please click this link for the video:
Please click this link for the worksheet:
In our English lesson today, we will be putting all yesterday's planning to good use by writing the opening of our explanation text.
Please click here for today's video:
You have two PE challenges in your home learning pack.
- Sock Ladder Challenge #1
- Sock Throw Challenge
Here are the videos to go with them (scroll to the bottom of the page). You might want to try some more of the challenges with your family too!
We are continuing to learn about Hinduism. The lesson in your pack for today is all about Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Here is a video which to help you with your activity.
Maths Frame
Today's tablet friendly game on is Multiplication Miner. This will help you use your knowledge of factor pairs from today's maths lesson.
Keep logging on this week for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to concentrate on your 11 and 12 times tables this week.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday’s riddle is: an egg!
Today's riddle is: Liam was 11 the day before yesterday, and next year he’ll turn 14. How is this possible?
Have a great day!
Team Year 4
Tuesday 2nd February
Hello Year 4, Mrs Wordsworth here.
Thank you to everyone who has been sending in pictures of their work. We love to see the learning you have been doing at home. Remember, if you wobble and need any help with any of the work you can email us on and we will be happy to help.
The Year 4 Team
In maths this morning we are learning to multiply by 3 numbers.
Please click this link for the video:
Here is the worksheet:
In our English lesson today, we will be planning the opening of our explanation text.
Please click here for today's video:
We are continuing to learn about South America. Use the text to help you fill in the fact file about this exciting continent.
You do not need to log on to however you may want to explore and there also might be some extra information about South America. Please click this link to take you there:
You might also like to check out the National Geographic Kids website for interesting videos and facts about South America:
Maths Frame
Today's tablet friendly game on is Tile Crash. Select the times tables you feel most wobbly on to practise them.
Keep logging on this week for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to concentrate on your 11 and 12 times tables this week.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday’s riddle is: Answer: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.
Today's riddle is: What is more useful when it is broken?
We hope you have a great day!
The Year 4 Team
Monday 1st February
Good morning Year 4. I hope you have all had a restful weekend and are looking forward to some exciting learning this week. It's Mr Spotwood with you here on the 1st February. That's January done and dusted (I wonder who can tell me what that hyperbole means)!
It's also the start of the week so I will be racking my brain (hmm another hyperbole) towards the end of the week, to think back over all of that amazing work you will have sent to me and come up with a remote learner of the week. Will it be you?
Please say hello or email work to
In maths this morning we are learning to recognise pictorial and abstract representations of the 11 and 12 times table.
Please click this link for the video:
Please click this link for the worksheet:
In our English lesson today, we will be learning how to use conjunctions in our chocolate making explanation text.
Please click here for today's video:
Please click on the attachment at the bottom of today's learning for the art worksheet. The 'lesson2.pdf' is a challenge (you do not need to do it).
Maths Frame
Today's tablet friendly game on is Bubble Pop. Select your 11 and 12 times tables.
Keep logging on this week for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to concentrate on your 11 and 12 times tables this week.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test and practice. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to Friday's riddle is: F I V E .Remove the 2 letters F and E from five and you have IV.
Today's riddle is: Can you write down eight eights so that they add up to one thousand?
Art 1st February
Friday 29th January
Good morning Year 4 and a happy Friday! Are you looking forward to the weekend and a well deserved rest?
Remember that an important part of resting is reading so don't forget to logon to over the weekend. Come to think of it, playing online games such as, and also help to relax us so log onto those too!
Remote Learners of the Week Award
It's that time of the week again and this time it's a huge congratulations to Sophie in 4T for her amazing recreation of the Solar System and Emran in 4H for his super attempt at this week's PE challenge! Well done you two, your certificate will be on it's way soon! Keep an eye out on the website for Mr Litten's virtual Celebration Assembly.
Maths today is the 7 times table and division facts. Please click on this link for today's worksheet:
Please click on the icon at the bottom of the page for the teaching powerpoint presentation.
Today in English we are learning to writ with complex sentences. Please click this link for today's video:
Today in computing you are going to design your own emoji. Please click on the picture link at the bottom of today's learning for the task.
Well being
On your daily walk, have a look out for some of the items on the scavenger hunt sheet below.
Hit the button
Have a go at your 7 times table and division facts by visiting the link below (no log in needed):
Select division facts and the select 7 times table.
They've done it! 4T caught up at the last moment and stole the game! Well done 4T who have won this weeks battle. Wow, what a battle that was! Keep logging on for more battles and 10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: One can't but toucan! Thanks again to James in 4T for that cracker!
Today's riddle is: How can you take 2 from 5 and leave 4?
Maths 29th January
Computing 29th January
Well Being 29th January
Thursday 28th January
Good morning Year 4. Mr Spotwood here with you today. If you have any questions or just want to say hello then please email
I managed to speak to lots of parents and children yesterday to check if everyone was OK! I will try and contact children and parents of 4T in the next few days.
We are learning about multiplying and dividing by 7.
Please click on the icon at the bottom of today's learning for the teaching powerpoint.
Click here for the worksheet:
In English today, we are looking some fantastic vocabulary that we can use in our chocolate explanation text.
Please click this link for the teaching video:
We are learning about the water cycle today.
Please click on the link at the bottom of the page for today's text. Read through the text (PAGES 4 and 5 ONLY) and then complete the water cycle worksheet (link also below).
Today's recommended maths game is Monty's Maths Wall. Select 'multiplication and then 7 times tables.
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. A battle has started and there are only 11 hours left! 4H are in the lead, can 4T catch up?
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: 7!
Today's riddle is courtesy of James in 4T (thanks James!): How many toucans does it take to change a light bulb?
Maths 28th January
Science 28th January
Wednesday 27th January
Good morning Year 4.
Mrs Wordsworth and Mr Spotwood are so impressed by all of your home learning. So far we have seen fantastic avatar designs, flood barrier designs, models of a river and much much more! Keep up the fantastic work.
Remember that you may get a phone call at some time on any week day from Mrs Wordsworth or Mr Spotwood. It's just to say hello and check how you are doing!
Please email any work or questions you may have to:
We apologise that the maths lessons have not matched the order of the worksheets in your pack. Please just follow the lessons that are posted here each day and find the matching worksheet in your pack.
Today, I am posting two lessons so that we are all at the same point tomorrow! Please only complete ONE maths worksheet each day (most worksheets have two sides- front and back).
Option One:
Divide by 3.
Click this link for the video:
Click this link for the worksheet:
Option Two:
9 Times table and Division facts
Please click here for the worksheet:
There is no video available for this lesson but there is a powerpoint presentation attached at the bottom of today's learning.
Today we are learning about the chocolate making stages. It is important that you keep all your work from today, for the next two weeks as it will help you in other lessons.
Please click this link for the video:
Here is the video link to go with your worksheet it your pack:
Please read page three of the 'RE270121' document at the bottom of today's learning. Then complete the worksheet also at the bottom of today's learning.
Hit the button
Instead of mathsframe today, I'd like you to click on this free website. Select 'division facts' and then either 'hit the answer divide by 3' or 'hit the question divide by three.'
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's. Keep your eye out for another battle this week!
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: Tom is 12!
Today's riddle: Mum and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother.
How many people are in the family?
Maths 27th January
RE 27th January
Tuesday 26th January
Good morning Year 4, Mr Spotwood with you today. I'm really excited to show you today's learning, take a look below!
Remember to keep taking photos of your superb learning and email it to me at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we are doing a recap on our Year 3 learning of multiplying by 3. Our understanding of the three times table will give us a big help with our 6 times table and our 9 times table. See if you can spot why. What other multiplication table might it help with?
It is also very important to keep practicing ALL of our multiplication tables no matter how easy we think they are or how well we know them already.
Please click on this link for the video:
Please click on this link for the worksheet:
Today we are re-visiting a language feature that we used in our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory writing. Pronouns. We need to use a variety of pronouns in our writing so that we do not sound like we are repeating ourselves!
Click here for today's video (it says lesson 3 on the website because we are skipping lesson 2):
Geography this week is taking us to South America! What is South America? Can you describe where it is? Please click on the link at the bottom of today's learning for the worksheet. You do not need to log on to however you may want to explore and there also might be some extra information about South America. Please click this link to take you there:
Today's recommended maths game is Snowboard Slalom! Select multiplication and then 3 times tables.
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's. Keep your eye out for another battle this week!
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is any number!
Today's riddle: In two years I know, I'll be twice as old as five years ago, said Tom. How old is Tom?
Geography 26th January
Monday 25th January
Good morning Year 4, Mrs Wordsworth here. I will be answering your emails and setting your remote learning this week. Last week we sent out learning packs to your homes so keep an eye out for the post. They should be with you today but we are aware there have been some delays so if it takes a little longer don't worry it is on its way!
Please email your photographs of your wonderful home learning to , so I can see it and give you feedback
Today we are learning how to multiply and divide by 9.
There is not a video available for today's lesson, however there is a powerpoint presentation below that can help you.
Today's tablet friendly game on is to help you with multiplying and dividing by 9. Select the 9 times table, or practise your 3 and 6 times tables to reinforce your learning from last week.
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's.
Our new topic in English is 'Explanation Texts'. Today we are looking at the features of this non-fiction text type as we study a piece of writing on making chocolate - yum!
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
We are learning how to draw 3D shapes - make sure you use a ruler or a straight edge for this lesson.
Riddle of the day
Double it and multiply it by 4. Then divide it by 8 and you'll have it once more. What number is it?
Have a lovely day!
The Year 4 Team
Home Learning Celebration Assembly
Please click on the link below to watch this week's celebration assembly.
Well done Daniel C and James C!
Friday 22nd January
Good morning and happy Friday, Year 4! One more day of exciting home learning before your well earned break this weekend. There will not be work set over the weekend but you should still try to log on to, and for 10 minutes each day.
Mr. Spotwood with you here for the last time this week before Mrs Wordsworth joins you on Monday. Please email your excellent learning to , I'd love to see it!
Remote Learner of the Week awards
For their incredible effort with their home learning this week, two children have received the 'Remote Learner of the Week' award.
In 4H, the award goes to Daniel C. Daniel has completed all the tasks and has made a huge effort with his presentation! Well done Daniel, thoroughly deserved!
In 4T, the award goes to James C. James has also completed each task to a high standard and shown a strong understanding of each task. Keep it up James!
Today we are learning about the 6 times table and division facts. This is very similar to yesterday's learning but will help you strengthen your knowledge.
There is not a video available for today's lesson. There is a powerpoint presentation below that can help you or yesterday's video could be used as support.
Click here for the worksheet:
English is all about 'themes' today. Please click on the link below for today's lesson:
Today's computing task is to design your own avatar. Click on the link below for the interactive online version and then copy it out onto the worksheet at the bottom of this page or into your remote learning book.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Today's tablet friendly game on is missing values in column addition (something we looked at last term):
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: Mount Everest was still the highest mountain on the planet before it was dicovered!
22nd January Computing Task
22nd January Maths Powerpoint
Thursday 21st January
Good morning Year 4, Mr Spotwood here with you today. I hope you are all staying safe and looking after your families.
Keep your eye on the gallery of work below today's learning. Your fantastic work could be on there! Your flood barrier designs were amazing- I think I might need to build one around my house with all this rain!
Please keep sending your incredible work to
Here's today's learning:
Today we are learning to multiply and divide by 6. Mrs Wordsworth and I believe that one of our year group targets is to work on our division facts which are the inverse of multiplication facts.
Click this link for the video:
Click this link for the worksheet:
In English today, we are looking in a bit more detail at Bradley's character. Please click on the link below for the video:
Please click on the link below today's learning for Science. This lesson will look at food chains.
The link below has some great videos to help your understanding:
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Today's tablet friendly game on will help you with your place value:
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Congratulations 4H you have won another ttrockstars battle! Keep checking for a new battle coming soon.
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: A hole.
Here's today's riddle for you:
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Science Learning Thursday 21st January
Wednesday 20th January
Good morning Year 4, Mr Spotwood here. I hope that you are all ready for today's learning. Once again, I'd like to say how impressed Mrs Wordsworth and myself are with your excellent effort. I have added more examples of your work to our gallery below! Keep checking to see if your work is on there!
If you would like any help with the work, would like me to check it or want to say hello then please email
Today in maths we are learning how to divide a number by 1 and itself. Like Mrs Wordsworth said on Friday with multiplying by 1 and itself, this sounds very easy but it catches a lot of people out including myself! Listen and watch the video below carefully.
Please click this link for the worksheet:
I have seen lots of fantastic English work with some beautiful presentation. Send me an email to let me know what you think of the book. Today in English we will be learning about another character called Jeff.
Please click here for today's video:
Use last week's learning on The Good Samaritan to help you. Spend 10 minutes on this so that you can remember the story really well.
Think of a time where you have shared what you have to help others. Spend 10 minutes thinking of your example and noting down some ideas using bullet points.
Create a storyboard of five parts in your home learning pack. It must have pictures and simple sentences describing what happened. Spend 40 minutes on this task.
I look forward to seeing some lovely illustrations!
Create your own lockdown fitness regime (programme/ tasks)
In your home learning book, draw out a timetable for 5, 15-minute sessions over a
Your tasks should include:
A warm up (this could be jogging on the spot for an amount of time)
An activity that helps to practise a skill (this could be throwing a tennis ball against your outside wall to practice catching)
A main activity or game where the skill can be used (this could be you and your brother or sister against the adults in your house)
A cool down
Make sure your fitness tasks are suitable for one person who may only be able to
use a small space. How will you make sure that your tasks are safe?
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Today's tablet friendly game on is something that will help us every day:
After having a go at this game, why not send me a timetable of your day?
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
The Year 4 battle is underway! And it is so close! 4H are winning so far but only by a few points. Come on 4T log on to catch up. You have 11 hours left!
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: An umbrella!
Here's today's riddle for you:
What gets bigger, the more you take out?
Tuesday 19th January
Good morning Year 4, Mr. Spotwood here! I hope that you are ready for today's learning.
I am really impressed and amazed with all of the work that you are doing at home, keep it up, well done!
Remember to ask you adult to email your work to
Please make sure that you are spending an hour of your afternoon learning logging on to:
- practice and test on your spellings at for 10-20 minutes
- practice your multiplication tables at for 10-20 minutes
- consolidate (strengthen) your maths learning on for 10-20 minutes
- reading on
Have a great day!
Today we are learning about one of the main characters, Bradley. Please click on the link below to watch today's video lesson.
Today in maths we are learning how to multiply by 100. Please click on the link below to show you how to multiply by 100:
Click on this link for today's worksheet:
Please copy and paste the link below for today's task to create a flood barrier:
If it doesnt work, please click on the icon at the bottom of today's tasks.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Today's tablet friendly game on mathsframe is a recap on last term's learning on column subtraction:
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
There will be another battle this week at some point before Friday (I'm not saying exactly when, so keep logging on to find out!)
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's.
Riddle of the day
The answer to yesterday's riddle is: water
Here's another watery riddle for you:
What goes up when the rain comes down?
Geography Worksheet Tuesday 19th January
Monday 18th January
Good morning Year 4! We hope you have had a restful weekend and are looking forward to this week's home learning. It's Mr. Spotwood with you for this week, so please email your work or say hello by emailing I can't wait to hear from you and see some pictures of your fantastic work.
Today's maths is Dividing by 100. Remember what you have learnt in Dividing by 10 because the method is nearly the same.
Please click on the link below to watch the video:
Once you have watched the video, click on the link below for the worksheet. If you cannot print out this sheet, copy out questions that do not require selecting (circling, ticking or matching).
We are looking at a new text this week called 'There's A Boy In The Girls' Bathroom' by Louis Sachar.
Today's lesson asks us to think about the book's cover, to read the first part of the story and checks our understanding so far.
Please follow the link below:
Please click on the icon at the bottom of today's learning to see your art task.
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
Try this fun game on mathsframe:
Please log on to spellingframe for this weeks test. You should spend between 10- 20 minutes per day practicing your spellings.
Well done 4H for winning the latest Year 4 Rock Battle.
There will be another battle this week at some point before Friday (I'm not saying exactly when, so keep logging on to find out!)
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise. Remember to focus on your 3's, 6's and 9's.
Riddle of the day
Here's a geography riddle for you:
What doesn't get wetter no matter how much rain falls on it?
Friday 15th January
Happy Friday Year 4!
We are so proud of you all for how well you have adjusted to remote learning and for the amazing effort you have put into your work. Enjoy your weekend and have a well-deserved break.
Today is our last lesson on Hansel and Gretel in which we will be exploring the genre ‘Fairy Tales’.
Please click the link to take you to the lesson.
We are continuing with our multiplication and division topic by learning to multiply by 1 and 0. It might sound easy but this is one of the areas that always manages to trick pupils during assessments! Make sure you listen carefully.
Please click the link to take you to the lesson.
Check out the fact files, videos and quizzes on these websites then match up the internet safety tips so they make sense. Once you have completed that task, design a poster to promote how to be safe on the internet using the information you have learnt.
UK Safer Internet Centre for Children
Safer Internet Day Quiz
10 – 20 minutes of Myon reading or reading a book you have at home.
10 – 20 minutes of times tables practise.
Well done 4H you are still in the lead with 291 to 4T's 245. A really good effort by both classes. You have until Sunday to decide the winners of the battle - keep up the good work!
Next week we will be studying the 3, 6 and 9 times tables. Get some practise in early by playing these games and choosing the 3, 6, and 9 times tables.
Birds v Robots Maths Battle – choose ‘Multiplication’ then the times table you want to practise.
Super Maths Bowling Multiplication – this one can be played as a 2 player game. Challenge someone in your house to a multiplication competition!
Riddle of the Day
You’re running a race and at the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in?
The answer to yesterday’s riddle: The word ‘wrong’. It’s the only work that’s spelt w-r-o-n-g. That was a tricky one!
If you are looking for some fun activities to do over the weekend, The Scouts have a huge collection of ideas to choose from. There are activities to do during your outdoor daily exercise and also indoor activities such as games to play with your friends and family over zoom. Enjoy!,Pairs&setting=At%20home
Keep up the good work Year 4 and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 4 Team
Thank you Scarlett (4T) for sending in this amazing Anglo Saxon fact file she made at home. I'm sure you'll all enjoy reading it as much as we did. What a fantastic effort!
Hello Year 4, Mr Spotwood here. I wanted to say a big well done to Daniel in 4H for his fantastic Anglo-Saxon house that he made over the Christmas break. Well done Daniel, keep up the good work!
Mr Spotwood
Year 4 Remote Learning - Thursday 14th January
Good morning Year 4
Wow, you have been very busy this week! We received lots of emails of your work yesterday, thank you very much. All photos of work should be sent to .
We look forward to seeing your learning.
In today’s lesson we are learning how to divide by 10. Watch this video to help you before you try the worksheet attached below.
As of this morning, the battle is SO CLOSE! 4H 143 vs 4T 135. Well done 4H for your effort yesterday. Come on 4T, let's catch them up!
Today we are thinking carefully about the stepmother in the fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and what kind of character she is. It has been great to hear that so many of you are enjoying the online English lessons. Daniella in 4T has even been inspired to make a model of Hansel and Gretel’s house! Great idea, Daniella.
You have been set a spelling test on Spelling Frame to complete this week. This must be done by Sunday evening.
For today’s activity we are recapping the digestive system. Please see the task attached below.
Here are some online links to fun learning activities about the digestive system:
The Magic School Bus – ‘For Lunch’ – available to watch as an animation (Season 1 Episode 2 on Netflix) or read aloud as a book via this link
Kids Health Website – an interesting video and fun quiz to complete
BBC Bitesize – lots of facts and quizzes about the digestive system
National Geographic Kids – detailed information about the digestive system with useful pictures and fun facts
Riddle of the Day
There is only one word in the dictionary that is spelled wrong. What is it?
Yesterday’s answer: a clock.
Well done to everyone who emailed us their answers.
Have a great day!
The Year 4 Team
Remote Learning Sheets - 14.01.2021. Make sure to read the Maths feedback because there is a similar question on the worksheet for today. Keep an eye out for it!
Fantastic home learning!
Hello Year 4
We had lots of emails from you all sending in your remote learning yesterday - thank you! Keep up the hard work You can send in your work and get in touch with us on
We are continuing to study Hansel and Gretel whilst practising our reading comprehension skills.
Lesson 3 on Oak Academy:
Spelling Frame
You have been set a spelling test for this week. Remember, if you make a mistake in the test, make sure you practise these words afterwards.
Today we are multiplying by 100. Remember to watch the video before you answer the questions to help you.
The sheet is attached below for you to copy out into your home learning book. Make sure you draw the pictures too, this will help you to count the objects accurately
Well done 4T, currently we are beating 4H in our times tables battle! Can you take the lead today 4H?
Design your own game for a P.E lesson.
Think about:
The name of your sport
How many people can play and what positions and tasks they need
What equipment will your sport need
What area or setting your sport will have eg. concrete, field, woods, water…
What the rules are including how points are scored or what their value is
Include a diagram or design of player and what the player is using or wearing.
Include a diagram or design of the pitch or area where your game is played.
Joe Wicks has made lots of fun work out videos you can try out too!
Watch this video of 'The Miracle of the Feeding of the 5000' then match the pictures to the correct section of the story. (Sheet attached below)
There is no need to print out the sheet as you can write the number and letter in your book e.g. 1 = A. You could also draw the pictures and write out the parts of the story in your book.
Riddle of the Day
What has hands and a face, but can't hold anything or smile?
Yesterday's answer: Kate's mother has three children called Snap, Crackle and Kate!
Have a good day
The Year 4 Team
Wednesday 13th January Maths Sheet
Tuesday 12th January
Good morning Year 4
Thank you very much to everyone who sent in work yesterday. Please can I remind you that it is a requirement for the children to show they are completing home learning during this period of distance learning. Please send work to:
If you are having any issues sending work in, please email us or ring the school office to leave a message. A member of staff will be ringing you each week to say hello and see how you are getting on with your home learning. Please look out for a call from the school or a 'withheld number'.
In today’s lesson we will be recapping how to multiply by 10. Remember, we don’t just add a zero! The number gets ten times bigger. The worksheet is attached below.
Watch this video before you complete the worksheet to help you:
Times Tables Rock Stars
It’s battle time! 4T vs 4H…who will win? Do your bit to help your class win this epic battle. You can compete until Sunday at 7pm. On Monday we will announce the winning class on the Year 4 web page.
In English we are continuing to learn about Hansel and Gretel. Please complete Lesson 2 on Oakwood Academy.
You should also be reading everyday on Myon. Email us to let us know which books you have been reading.
Don’t forget to practise your spellings on
Your Geography task today is all about rivers. Click on the document below to see what your fun activity is. Remember, you have a login for Oddizzi which is full of brilliant learning resources about rivers.
Riddle of the Day
Kate’s mother has 3 children: Snap, Crackle and _____ ?
The answer to yesterday’s riddle is: Your name!
Did we trick you?
Happy learning!
The Year 4 Team
Tuesday 12th January - Remote Learning Sheets
Monday 11th January
Hello Year 4!
This is Mrs Wordsworth This week Mr Spotwood is teaching in class and I am teaching you online. We hope you had a lovely weekend and are excited for your home learning activities this week!
Thank you to everyone who has emailed us their learning so far. We are very impressed with the effort you have put into the tasks. Remember, you must be completing your work every day and make sure to email your it over to so we can send you feedback.
Your English lesson today is to complete Lesson 1 of Hansel and Gretel on the Oak Academy website. Remember, only do Lesson 1.
The lesson can be found here:
The sheets for the rest of your home learning today are posted below. You can copy all the work into your yellow home learning book to complete it if you wish (this includes the pictures from your maths sheet too)
Here is a link to your maths lesson for today:
Finally, because we know Y4 love riddles, we are setting you a 'Riddle of the Day'.
Monday's Riddle of the Day:
It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?
If you have any problems, questions or just want to say hi, you can email us at any time and we will reply during the school working day
Missing you all!
The Year 4 Team
January 11th January 2021 Home Learning
This is the weekly timetable for your home learning activities. It might change a little bit over time as we may add in extra activities or change some of the lessons but this will give you an idea of the home learning you should be completing each day.
Friday 8th January
Good morning Year 4. Here is your learning for today. Please remember to email pictures of your work to
Yesterday, you created a poster to persuade Year 4 children to come to your party.
For today’s task, you are going to plan the awards event of your party. Use one page of your remote learning book.
Choose either the Basecamp, Hill Climber or Summit Camp task below.
Choose one person from your class that you are going to give the award for Kindest Person. Write their name, the name of the award that you are giving to them and an example of why you have given them the award.
For example: The Kindest Person Award goes to Mrs Wordsworth. Mrs Wordsworth gets this award because she helped Mr Spotwood when he fell over on the playground.
Choose one person from your class that you would give the Funniest Person Award to. Write their name, the name of the award that you are giving to them and an example of why you have given them the award.
Choose one person from your class that you would give the Hard Worker Award to. Write their name, the name of the award that you are giving to them and an example of why you have given them the award.
Hill climbers
You need to make up five awards that you would give out to five different children in your class. The awards could be ‘Sportiest Person’ or ‘Best at Multiplication Tables.’
Write their name, the name of the award that you are giving to them and an example of why you have given them the award.
For example: The Kindest Person Award goes to Mrs Wordsworth. Mrs Wordsworth gets this award because she helped Mr Spotwood when he fell over on the playground.
Summit Camp
You are giving two awards out: The Teacher Award and The Pupil Award.
The Teacher Award must go to any adult in the Year 4 team. You must write a paragraph summarising all the reasons why you have given them this award.
The Pupil Award must be given to a child in Year 4. You must write a paragraph summarising all the reasons why you have given them this award.
Challenge. Write a short speech (one paragraph) about each person you are giving the award to. For example: The next award is the Teacher Award. The deserved winner of this award has work very hard all year long. They do far more than they are asked and always use their own brain to decide what to do next. This person is very organised and efficient. I am very glad to announce that the Teacher Award is awarded to Mrs Wordsworth.
Maths Friday 8th January
Art and Design Friday 8th January
Art and Design task 2 - Design a postcard to send to someone in your class. Pretend it is a place where you dream of being such as a desert island or a football stadium.
Thursday 7th January
Good morning Year 4.
Here is a riddle of the day for you to solve. Please email your answers to us if you wish to.
How many months of the year have 28 days?
Yesterday, you wrote a letter to persuade Mrs Wordsworth and Mr Spotwood to allow you to have an end of year party.
Your task today is to create a poster to persuade your classmates and children in the other Year 4 class to come to your party.
Choose either the Basecamp, Hill Climber or Summit Camp task below.
Your poster must:
- Have pictures/ illustrations showing the different things that will happen at your party for example: People dancing; people eating food; different games.
- A clear, short heading (the name of your party).
- The names of activities written next to the picture.
Hill climbers/ mountaineers
- Have pictures/ illustrations showing the different things that will happen at your party for example: People dancing; people eating food; different games.
- A clear, short heading (the name of your party).
- The names of activities written next to the picture.
- Have a slogan (catchy, memorable phrase or sentence for example the Nike slogan is ‘Just do it.’)
- Use three imperative sentences on your page (Imperative sentences tell someone to do something for example ‘Come to this amazing party’ ‘Dance to the best music in town’).
- Use persuasive adjectives such as amazing, brilliant, fantastic
Summit camp:
- Use all of the features that the other groups are using.
- Write a small persuasive paragraph explaining why people should come to the party somewhere on your poster.
Spanish part 1 Thursday 7th January
Go to and have a go at the Spanish colour games.
Spanish part 2 Thursday 7th January - Where possible, try and copy out the drawings and colour them or write the correct Spanish word for each colour.
Maths Thursday 7th January
This document shows you what level of challenge each piece of work will be starting from Monday 11th January.
Wednesday 6th January
Good morning Year 4.
Here is your learning for today:
Write a letter to persuade Mrs Wordsworth and Mr Spotwood to let you hold an end of year party.
You can write this into your yellow Home Learning book.
Your letter should be three paragraphs long and should be written to Mrs Wordsworth and Mr Spotwood.
Challenge by choice:
Choose which level you want to do (ask your parent or carer to help if you don’t know)
Working towards the expected standard - Base Camp – Use the sentence starters below to help you:
Dear Mrs Wordsworth and Mr Spotwood,
I am writing to you because…
There will be different events in my party such as…
Year 4 really deserve to have this party because…
Working at the expected standard - Hill Climbers / Mountaineers- Use the paragraph plan below to help you:
Paragraph 1
Introduce your letter. Explain who you are and why you are writing.
Paragraph 2
Explain what is happening at your party. Will there be games? Are you having music? Where in school will you have your party, in the classroom, in the hall? Do you want food at your party? Make your party sound really exciting!
Paragraph 3
Explain to your teachers why you deserve to have the party. Is it because you have worked really hard during lockdown? Tell the teachers why you have worked hard. Did you help your mum/ dad/ guardian? Did you do all your school work to your best ability?
Working at greater depth within the expected standard - Summit Camp – You can set out your persuasive letter however you like. It must not be more than one page but no less than half a page.
Mathematics Wednesday 6th January
History Wednesday 6th January
Hello Year 4.
Please click on the links below. One is the letter about online (remote) learning and the other is the timetable for this week's learning.
Many thanks,
The Year 4 Team
Good morning Year 4.
Here is today's work:
*Replacing previous quiz*
Interactive Arithmetic Archery Game
In your Remote Learning Book (yellow exercise book) or typed in an email to
Write a recount of your Christmas Break.
Make sure you:
- Write in the past tense
- Use time adverbials such as: next, then, later, after that
- Use expanded noun phrases (two adjectives separated by a comma and followed by a noun)
- Full stops and capital letters
Add illustrations if you would like to.
Please log into You have been set spellings in your groups. Please use today to practise these spellings and complete the test by tomorrow evening (Wednesday 6th January). If you have problems loging in to your account, please ask your parent or guardian to email Mr Spotwood or Mrs Wordsworth at
We will be checking who has completed the test to ensure that we know who is able to access the spellings.
Year 4 are studying States of Matter. Today's learning is a recap of what the children have studied so far please click onto the link below:
There is an online lesson and interactive quiz to complete.
If you have any problems accessing any of the website links, please email
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you when we can,
The Year 4 Team
Happy Friday 4T! Here is a digital version of the homework sheets in case you misplace the paper copy you took home. Have a lovely weekend! Mrs W :)
Happy Friday 4T :) Here is your homework for this week. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs W :)
Hello 4T :) Here is the homework for this week. Everyone was given a paper copy but I found some left in the classroom so if you forgot your sheet then you can answer these questions in your home learning book. Remember if you have any problems logging on to Spellingframe then let me know on Monday and you can complete the test during Task Time. Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you on Monday. Mrs Wordsworth :)
Friday 13th November
Hello 4T
Please complete the home learning uploaded below in your home learning book. You have also been set a new spelling test on Spelling Frame and new times tables on TTRS. If you cannot log on, remember to tell me on Monday so you can complete them in school before the end of the day.
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!
Mrs Wordsworth
4T Home Learning 13/11/2020
Friday 6th November 2020
Hello Year 4,
For this week's homework, we would like you to write a diary entry about your day on Saturday on the lined paper provided (not in your homework book). You have also been set a spelling test on - remember you can practise your spelling words on the website before you do the test.
Other resources you should be using frequently:
MyOn Reading
TT Rockstars
Mathsframe (a number of free maths games - no login required)
If you have any questions please email
Many thanks,
The Year 4 Team